Part 24 (Alternate)

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(F/N) watched Starrick carefully, he took a deep breath, he wondered if he could do it, he watched as Starrick slowly chocked the life out of Evie. (F/N) saw Jacob and Henry egging him on, "Shoot Starrick" they said, (F/N) felt the whole world go in slow motion. He took a deep breath, and said quietly "nothing personal," he turned his gun on Henry and shot him once in the head. Jacob spun around quickly and looked him right in the eyes, (F/N) had never seen such a look on another man before.

"Sorry," is all (F/N) said to the man who had treated him like a brother, since they met. (F/N) pulled the trigger, a boom echoed through the vault, and Jacob fell a bullet was lodged into his forehead. (F/N) turned his head to Starrick, and looked at Evie, all he saw on her face was disgust, hatred, and above all betrayal.

"Good work," is all Starrick said, he snapped Evie's neck killing her instantly, (F/N) walked over to Evie and kneeled next to her body, he ran a finger through her braided hair. Starrick looked at (F/N) and noted he may need a bit of encouragment, "I realize the decision you made was difficult, but know London will thrive now that you have done your duty." (F/N) looked at Evie, he didn't say or even acknowledge Starrick, "These assassins only serve to demolish and poison our society, you made the right decision," Starrick empasized his point by kicking, the now dead, Jacob in the stomach. (F/N) looked over to Starrick once he heard the sound of his boot hitting Jacob, "Did you really need to kill her?" (F/N) said slowly standing up. Starrick chose not to scold (F/N), "Her death was necessary, I know you cared for her, but she was in the way of progress," (F/N) took a deep breath and put his face in his hands, the reality of his choice catching up to him.

"Now normally I would let you mourne, but i'm somewhat pressed for time, and I need you to help me finish the plan," (F/N) took his face out of his hands and nodded, "kill all the members of parliment?" Starrick nodded. (F/N) began to walk to the vault's exit, Starrick awkwardly, and slowly put his hand on (F/N)'s back, "I'm glad I took a leap of faith when I chose to work with you." (F/N) stopped and looked back at all his former friends, "We will come back, they deserve a decent burial," Starrick removed his hand, "they deserve at least that much," Starrick concluded.


(F/N) walked into the train he once called home, he once felt warm whenever he came here, now all he felt was gloom and emptiness. The train was stopped at a nearby station, it was dead quiet, but (F/N) swore he could hear the turning of pages from the books Evie loved to read, he could hear Jacob's angry ranting from across the train, for a moment he let himself slip back into his memories. He smiled, but he frowned when he heard Oscar clear his throat, "Boss?" (F/N) turned to Oscar, with a raised eyebrow, "Sorry, to disturb you boss, the boys are waiting for the announcment." (F/N) nodded, "Thank you number two," he said with a small chuckle, Oscar smirked and walked out off the train.

(F/N) put his hand in his pocket and slowly walked to the door, he opened his palm, he saw the necklace Evie had given him, to show that memories never die. (F/N) dropped the necklace, determined to believe it meant nothing to him any more, (F/N) exited the train and looked over all the Rooks that came to hear him speak. He slowly walked to where Oscar stood, he removed his bracers that Jacob had given him, they made a loud clang when they hit the ground, 'I don't have a brother, my only family is the Order of the Templars' (F/N) thought.

(F/N) stood in front of Oscar, he put his hand in his pocket, and pulled out the ring he had at one time wanted to give to Evie, the last shred of proof that he had cared for her, he clutched it in his hand. (F/N) cleared his throat, "All of you are here for me to confirm what you already know, Evie and Jacob are dead," a great deal of conversation and outrage broke out, (F/N) put up his hand, almost immediatley the crowd became silent.

"But they are still alive through us, and I know for a fact Jacob would want us to continue the cause. That is still my intention but through different means." (F/N) felt the ring press up against his palm as he stopped, some Rooks shot him questioning glances, (F/N) cleared his throat. "Since the parliment of London is gone, their is a vaccum, and to fill that vaccum, I have made a decision, I will take over as the leader of London." Silence the Rooks were waiting to see if (F/N) was joking or truly serious, (F/N) didn't even smile, he let the reality of what he just said sink in. "I refuse to let the Templars or the Blighters grow in power even more, so I hope that I can have your full support in this matter. I need you, London needs you!"

(F/N) waited, he had said his piece, now was the moment that the plan would succeed or fail. His doubts were cast aside when Oscar began to clap, slowly at first but then the pace increased, more and more Rooks applauded until all of them were cheering, shouting, and applauding all in the name of (F/N). (F/N) put both his hands up he had a small smile, "I'm glad you have all chosen to honor Jacob and Evie's memories, but as a final tribute, I would like to give them a dramatic send off."' (F/N) looked at Oscar, who whistled, a group of Rooks with gas and torches entered the station, the blighters looked at them confused.

"I say we burn this train, the train, that serves as a constant reminder that we failed in London's time of need, I refuse to have a monument dedicated to failure. Whos with me?" Again cheers erupted from the Rooks, (F/N) gave the signal and the Rooks with the torches started burning the train. (F/N) stepped away from the train, he looked in his hand, at the ring he had been cluching, then he looked at the fire, "Goodbye my beloved Evie," is all he said, he kissed the ring softly and threw it in the burning train as hard as he could.

Once he was rid of the ring, (F/N) felt a wave of peace wash over him, not happiness (F/N) knew those days were over, but he felt pride, pride that he was doing the right thing, pride that he was saving London. (F/N) walked over to Oscar, "I need a moment alone," (F/N) said to his new second in command, Oscar nodded looking very serious, he assumed that (F/N) needed time to mourn. (F/N) walked out of the train station, ignoring the chants and cheers that were taking place because of him, Oscar yelled at the Rooks "give the man some space!" (F/N) knew he picked the right choice for a second in command at that moment.

He slowly walked out of the train station, he walked over to a red carriage, he slowly got in; Crawford Starrick smiled at (F/N), his daughter did as well but she quickly turned back to her book, the Shroud looked nice around her neck. "It's all done, I assume?" (F/N) nodded, "Yes, Mr. Starrick," Starrick's smile grew even more, "Good, and to be clear you are only the leader of this city in the public eye only. I am the leader, you will be my second in command." (F/N) nodded, "I wouldn't want it any other way." Starrick nodded he rubbed Elizabeth's back, she was to pre-occupied with her book to notice, "Now the real work can begin," Starrick said sticking out his hand, (F/N) nodded he opened the carriage door and stepped out, shaking Starrick's hand in the process. "May the Father of Understanding guide us," Starrick said, as (F/N) placed a hand on the carriage door, as the words left his lips (F/N) felt his old, love obsessed, stupid self melt away, "May the Father of understanding guide us," he closed the carriage door that belonged to the new king of London.

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