Part 24

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(F/N) looked as Starrick held Evie's throat in his hand, he had a strong smirk on his face. (F/N) had his revolver trained on Starrick, everthing was going in slow motion, Henry and Jacob were egging him on, to shoot Starrick.

(F/N) wondered if he should risk it Starrick's chest was wide open but he could kill Evie just by clenching his hand, he looked into Evie's eyes and he got his answer. (F/N) took a deep breath and shot his revolver twice shooting Starrick right in the chest, the smile on his face faded, Starrick was so suprised Evie was able to escape from his death grip. (F/N) didn't waste the opportunity, before Starrick regained his composure, (F/N) ran at him, Henry and Jacob stood still, knowing what would happen.

(F/N) jumped torward Starrick, ejected his hidden blade, and when he fell he slammed his hidden blade into Starrick's shoulder, effectively cutting off the shroud. (F/N) quickly stood after he stabbed Starrick, he grabbed and threw the shroud as far away as he could. (F/N) looked at Starrick, as he lay bleeding on the vault's floor, he felt a compulsion to kneel next to him, ignoring Henry, Jacob, and Evie, all that existed to (F/N) was the hunter and the hunted.

"Elizabeth... my daughter.... please save her," Starrick whispered weakley gasping for air, Starrick would survive if his wounds were treated correctley, (F/N) took this into account. "I will, I promise," (F/N) said softly as he watched Starrick he laughed in return, "London will perish without me!" Starrick said, he was slowly regaining his strength. (F/N) scoffed, "I think you're mistaken, London would have perished with you Mr. Starrick," Starrick staired daggers at (F/N), "I would have created a paradise, I hoped you wouldn't be as foolish as your friends...I was wrong," (F/N) looked at Starrick, he felt pity for the man who he would have to kill.

"I would never throw in with the likes of you, who I care for has nothing to do with it," Starrick sighed, "You will lose everything, and when the world goes up in flames, I will look from wherever I end up and I will laugh." (F/N) ejected his hidden blade, and slit Starrick's throat, "I'll still last longer than you," (F/N) whispered and he stood back up. It felt like the whole world was rushing back to him, Jacob looked at (F/N) and smiled, "Do I look as stupid as him when I speak to my targets?" Evie rolled her eyes, "No you look stupider," (F/N) stepped away from Starrick, "so....this is it," Jacob's smile faded he looked at Evie. "It's a shame we all won't be working together," Evie shrugged and looked at the floor, "It's for the best isn't it?" Evie looked at (F/N) he smiled. "Are you gonna wear the shroud and run London?" Jacob asked looking at Evie, and gesturing his head to the shroud that was on the floor.

Evie gave a small chuckle, "I couldn't you would continue to age without me, you'd end up like Father," Jacob laughed, "a fate worse than death." Evie looked at (F/N) and smiled warmly at him, "Besides their are other things immortality can't beat," (F/N) walked up to Evie and threw his arm around her. (F/N) looked at Henry, he gave (F/N) a reasuring nod, he was doing the right thing, "What about you? Will you wear it?" Evie continued. (F/N) was expecting Jacob to practically yell in affirmation and run to the shroud, but instead he shook his head, "All the chaos I caused, it would be a disaster." (F/N) laughed, Jacob cracked a small smile, Evie followed in Jacob's example, "Would it be possible? For the three of us to continue where we left off?" Jacob gave a large smile, "I'd love nothing more."

"I'm starting to think Father didn't know everything about everything," Evie said looking (F/N) right in the eyes. Jacob sighed and looked at the two, "Ohh for the love of...just kiss already." (F/N) frowned and broke away from Evie, "And under any normal circumstance I would love to...but," (F/N) walked over to the shroud and picked it up, "I need to make good on a promise."


(F/N) placed Elizabeth in Evie's bed, when he got back to the train, the shroud was working its magic on her, the color was quickly coming back to her face. (F/N) turned around to see a smiling Evie, "I know, I know...I'll give her to Clara when shes fully healed," Evie smirked and walked over to (F/N), "and the Shroud?" (F/N) gave Evie a depressed look, "But it has the power to heal any injury!" Evie raised an eyebrow, "fine, i'll put it back in the vault." Elizabeth started to rustle around, (F/N) grabbed Evie's hand and pulled her out of the train car, "She needs her sleep," is all he said. Evie smilled and walked with (F/N) to the next train car, Jacob was off celebrating, (F/N) began to speak "I need to...." Evie interrupted him "Actually I need to say something." (F/N) gestured for her to continue.

"When we first started 'seeing' eachother I still saw you as a friend. A very close friend, but a friend nonetheless, but then I began seeing you in a different light. I began to love you not like a friend, not like a brother, more along the lines of a soulmate," Evie stopped and walked closer to (F/N), she took his hands in hers. "The feelings I had scared me, Father believed...I believed they would get me killed. So to try to banish them I left you, but that didn't help, it made the feelings worse, it made me realize how much I need you. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me for what I did."

Evie stopped and looked at (F/N) she squeezed his hands, (F/N) said his part after a short pause, "Evie, you are the strength that I need, you are the light in my darkness, I can't imagine life without you, and I don't want to." (F/N) removed his hands from Evies, "I'll admit, I didn't want you to be just a friend when we first met, but when we became more than friends I felt a longing." (F/N) put his left hand in his left pocket, "I wanted to be more than, lovers, or whatever we are right now," (F/N) pulled out his hand, it was in a fist. Evie looked confused, "You know i'm not one for speeches, so i'll just leave it at this." (F/N) got down on one knee and opened his palm revealing the ring in his palm, he was smiling with tears in his eyes, Evie was looking at him with an even bigger smile.

He took Evie's hand, "Evie Frye, will you be my wife?" Evie smiled, but then she frowned, "What took you so long to ask?" she said sarcastically scolding (F/N). (F/N) got back on his feet and hugged Evie, "That's a yes, right?" (F/N) whispered in her ear, Evie sighed, "Yes, now put the damn ring on my finger," Evie said not so sarcastically. (F/N) quickly obliged her request, he stared straight into Evie's eyes knowing the women he loved cared for him just as much as he did. Unfortunatley, the pair of assassins weren't able to enjoy the moment, Evie's smile melted into a frown, "Jacob?!?!?" she said breaking away from (F/N), he turned around wildly. He was expecting to see a red faced Jacob, running at him with a smashed bottle or a kinfe, but instead he saw a red faced, crying Jacob, with an embaressed Henry.

"I apologize we didn't..." Jacob cut Henry off "well...are you happy?" Jacob asked looking at Evie, he had a very serious look on his face. Evie nodded her head, rolling her eyes, Jacob then burst into laughter, and grabbed (F/N) in a bear hug, "Good enough for me then!" After (F/N) was able to escape from Jacob, Henry put his hand on Jacob's shoulder, "I think we should let them be," Henry said walking the inebriated assassin to the other train car. Before he could leave, (F/N) said "Henry," Henry turned, (F/N) walked up to him and stuck out his hand, "thank you...for everything." Henry looked at (F/N)'s hand, then at (F/N), with his right hand on Jacob's shoulder, he shook (F/N)'s hand with his left hand, "It was my pleasure, Mr.(L/N)," Henry said in a respectful voice.

(F/N) nodded to him, and Henry softly pushed Jacob into the next train car, (F/N) turned back to Evie, "Now where were we?" (F/N) asked with a smirk. Evie rolled her eyes, "Just kiss me already," she said in a playful but annoyed tone, (F/N) ran over to Evie and put his hands on Evie'e hair feeling her soft braids. Evie wrapped her arms around (F/N)'s neck, and the pair locked lips, for the first time in a very long time (F/N) felt like his life was complete like he was finally at peace. As he pulled away from Evie he looked away from her smiling face, he looked out the window he saw the city of London, (F/N) smiled to himself, turned back to Evie and continued kissing her, he loved his life.

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