Part 6

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(F/N) and Jacob were moving torward the large gang with the rooks following them, Evie was on the roofs taking out snipers. Jacob and (F/N) were talking about strategy, "So we both have six bullets" (F/N) said loading his revolver Jacob did the same together the two had 12 bullets together.

"So we both charge them straight on" Jacob said (F/N) nodded, "Didn't Evie have a plan." Jacob laughed at his friends statement and shrugged, "Ohh im sure she does and she has a backup plan for her backup plan," (F/N) would have doubled over with laughter but the gang arrived at the war.

"12 bullets or bust" (Deadpool refrence) Jacob said (F/N) nodded, "Stay together" (F/N) replied and the gang war exploded. The two men fired a single bullet each hitting two blighters, (F/N) jumped over a blighter, and pushed him torwards Jacob, Jacob stabbed the large man.

(F/N) was so pre-occupied with the stabbed blighter he didn't notice the female blighter who was about to stab him but a shot rang out killing her. (F/N) jumped while turning around, (F/N) saw a scowling Evie who was clearley upset the two men hadn't followed her plan, (F/N) waved at Evie in thanks.

(F/N) noticed a guy was about to strangle his best friend, he shot the blighter, saving his friend. (F/N) then grabbed a bottle that had been thrown at his head, he threw it back, and it smashed into a blighters head. (F/N) then summer saulted over to a blighter fighting a rook and slammed his hidden blade into the back of the blighters neck, severing his spinal chord, when he pulled his blade out a small spray of blood followed.

Finally, after killing there way through the blighters rank the gangs leader Rexford Caylock got nervous and used his grappling hook to get on a moving train, Jacob yelled at (F/N) and the pair ran Jacob grabbed the edge of the train as (F/N) did the same, "He's mine" Jacob said to (F/N), (F/N) replied, "Didn't you say the same thing the last time you played cards, you cost me 5 pounds," Jacob smirked and charged at Caylock.

But as he got closer Caylock pulled out his revolver, Jacob kicked it out of his hand, when he landed, Jacob punched Caylocks side, (F/N) cringed as he heard a crunch from the grappling gun.

Jacob then twirled and engaged his hidden blade while sliding it across Caylocks throat, and effectiveley sliting his throat. Jacob smiled, turned to his friend, and said "I think I made up for that."


"But I wanted to check out the train" (F/N) said dragging his feet behind the twins and Henry, Evie sighed, "Jacob was the one who wanted to fix the grappling hook."

Eventually, the four made it to there destination, a workshop, Henry found Alec working on something, "Ahh this must be the trio i've been hearing so much about, Alexander Grahmbell," Alexander did a small bow, but Jacob obviously wasn't in a formal mood, "So Alec, Greenie here tells me you can fix this" Jacob said reffering to the device he had just pulled out of his jacket.

Alec took the device and examined it, the quartet saw the gears turning in his head, (F/N) was worried that Alec would say he had no idea. But finally he snapped his fingers and went to his work table, pounding away at the device with a hammer, and after what seemed like an hour Alec turned to the assassins with a smile.

"I believe it may take me a while to make three more" (F/N) grabbed the grappling hook and turned it over in his hand before attaching it to his gautlet. Alec then smiled again, "Perhaps you could do something in return" Jacob was about to sigh but Evie shot him a look, "what do you need us to do?" (F/N) asked.

Alec smiled yet again, "Well I run a small telograph line, and occasionally blighters will destroy the stations which sabotage the line, I need two of you to climb Big Ben, one of you to make sure the electricity stays off, while the other installs the device." (F/N)'s (E/C) eyes lit up, "Evie and I could do that" Evie turned to (F/N) and shoot him a smirk. Alec clapped his hands then winced because he had bandages on his hands. He handed Evie the devices as the two made there way to a carriage.

"He's an interesting man," Evie said while leaning back into her seat, but after (F/N) and Evie were a reasonable distance from the workshop Evie leaned on (F/N). The two exchanged few words, until they got to Big Ben, "I always wanted to see Big Ben" (F/N) said, Evie replied "well we can always get a better view," (F/N) smiled.

The two walked over to the first tower and (F/N) stuck up his arm while Evie wrapped her slender arms around (F/N) effectiveley holding on tight to him, and the two shot up the tower, (F/N) couldn't help but notice how large London was, but it was hard to believe something this beautiful could be this ugly on the inside.

After, Evie and (F/N) finished installing the telograph boxes they made it back to the train very quickly. As the two made it back to the train gasping for breath, Evie smiled at (F/N). As the two had bet who would make it back to the train first, just because the two were in love didn't mean they could compete against eachother. As (F/N) and Evie regained theire composure, (F/N) looked over London, finally realizing where he was. He felt Evie's arms move and wrap around his stomach, he turned around to look at Evie, "I actually can't believe were here" (F/N) said hugging Evie and holding her who shrugged, "Technically were here to work but whatever makes you happy."

(F/N) rolled his eyes and smilled at Evie, she noticed this, "At least we get to work together," Evie said. Evie then leaned in kissing (F/N); (F/N) put his hands on her Evie's head kissing her back. Unfortunatley the kiss didn't last long, a loud clang startled, and broke the two apart.

(F/N) and Evie turned to see a shocked looking Jacob who had just dropped his pint, "Wha... Wh..... Ho..... i'm gonna" (F/N) had never seen a persons face turn red that quickly.

Jacob pointed at (F/N) and with silent fury said "you betrayed me," and he ran out of the train car. Evie ran after her brother, followed by a pale faced (F/N), the last sign of Jacob he saw was Jacob flipping him off and cursing him out, "What have we done?" Evie said looking at (F/N).

Evie Frye x Male ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora