Part 10

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Evie stood over a desk, examining the golden disk she had stolen from the Kenway mansion with (F/N). "This kinda looks like it belong's to...." Unfortunatley, Evie was not able to finish her thought as a loud Bang echoed through the train car. Evie sighed, "Alright let's get this over with" she muttered to herself, she sat down on the coach that doubled as Jacob's bed. Evie heard footsteps, "First off i'm sorry that..," she stopped when she saw Jacob standing at the door covered in blood, "I need you're help, he's bleeding allot."

Jacob ran out of the car and into the main one, Evie followed, she mentally prepared herself but her preparations failed when she saw the bullet hole in (F/N)'s stomach. Evie felt so small as she starred at (F/N)'s face, he looked dead, "Sister!" Jacob yelled, snapping Evie out of her trance. "Right, I need you to put pressure on the bullet hole," Jacob did as told, (F/N) groaned in pain and opened his eyes, Evie rushed to (F/N). "I don't think i'm gonna make it Eve," Evie got a little chocked up, "You WILL be fine (N/N), I won't let you die." (F/N) scoffed then his eyes rolled back into his head the last thing he remembered was Evie yelling at him.

--------------The End-------------

Flashback -3 years ago-

"No, I wouldn't do that to you" Jacob said yelling aloud, causing many of the people to stare at the trio. (F/N) hid his face from embaressment, "Good and like I said HATS, I don't need you to get me..." Jacob interrupted (F/N), "someone to sleep with, and I told you not to call me that."

Evie chuckled and patted (F/N) and Jacob on the back, while standing up, "Where are you going?, you have to take my side" (F/N) said with a bit of a slur. "Headed back to headquarters" Evie said, "Ahh Evie Frye staying home yet again" Jacon joked a bit red faced, "yeah why don't you go hang out with.......another person staying home" (F/N) quipped, Evie rolled her eyes, and left the pub. (F/N) discretley watched her as she left, "Another round for me and my Brother" Jacob yelled the bartender threw two pints at the pair of men. After a bit of drunken shananigins, (F/N) left the bar shortly, little did he know Jacob was picking a fight with another drunk.

As (F/N) walked or stumbled down the street, he felt like he was being followed, and he was a hodded figure was walking behind (F/N). (F/N) focused and started fighting through the affects of drinking.

-Present day-

"Alright I think we stopped the bleeding" Evie said while observing an unconcious (F/N), "now all we can do is wait." Evie sat next to (F/N), and took his hand, Jacob chuckled Evie glared at him. Jacob put his hands up defensively, "I was just remembering the first day we met him, we were waiting for him to come back with that rich man's coins," Evie smiled remembering the memory.

"And to think I almost killed him," Evie said laughing a bit, "it seems I have a knack for almost killing him." Jacob frowned, "What do you mean," Evie fought the urge to sound heart broken, she was to strong to be reduced to a sniveling mess, "It's all my fault I was the one who sent him to you," Evie squeezed (F/N)'s hand.

Unfortunatley, while the twins debated on who's fault it was, (F/N) was reliving one of the most awkward days of his life, and the worst part he was remembering it in two different ways.

----------------Now back to our regularly scheduled program of flashback halluconations--------------

"Who are you?" (F/N) yelled pinning the figure to the wall, (F/N) looked at the man who had stalked him, he was not a low class citizen his suite was evidence of that. But then the figure answered (F/N), "I work for Crawford Starrick, he wanted me to follow you, to see what you were doing."


"Evie whats wrong with him?" Jacob said as he saw (F/N) shaking, Evie looked at (F/N) horrified, "Get me that bag over there now!" Evie yelled to Jacob who quickly retrieved the bag. Evie pulled out a syringe filled with clear liquid, "Sorry, (F/N) this may cause you to hallucinate," Evie said, hoping (F/N) could hear her, she jabbed the needle into his arm.

------------------(F/N)'s memory is being messed with-------------

"Templars, I should have known" (F/N) then ejected his hidden blade, "wait wait" the suited man said, but (F/N) jabbed him in the neck killing him. (F/N) then walked off to find headquarters.

------------------Memory Repeat-----------------

(F/N) let go of the suited man, "Go back and tell, Mr. Starrick, i've got a handle on things, i'm already on the inside." The suited man nodded brushing his suite off, "Mr.Starrick will be pleased, May the father of understanding guide us," (F/N) smirked and replied "may the father of understanding guide us."

---------------Present Day London---------------

(F/N) snapped open his eyes and stood up, waking a sleeping Evie, "Jacob he's awake!" Evie yelled after grabbing (F/N) and holding him tight to her. Jacob ran in and hugged his friend as well, Henry walked in and looked at the trio with confusion. "I had a dream" (F/N) started, "more like a memory, you were their Hats, so were you Eve, not you Henry." Evie shushed (F/N) and held onto him for a little longer, she had no intention of letting go.


(F/N) climbed up on the roof, a bit more sober now, he looked around, looking for any sign of Evie. (F/N) was going to just give up and go to sleep, but Evie has other plans, and suddenly (F/N) was on the ground with Evie on his chest. Evie had a very large smirk, "Thats another thing you'll never beat me at" Evie said proudly. (F/N) was about to say something with, but then he noticed Evie, the moon light bounced of her defiant smirk which was displayed on her flawless face.

(F/N) then made a choice that would affect both there lives for a very long time, (F/N) kissed Evie. The kiss ended almost as soon as it began, when the pair finished, Evie looked at (F/N) shocked. "I....I.....i'm sor," but (F/N) was cut off by Evie kissing him back, the kiss lasted much longer this time. "I can't tell you how long I have wanted to do that" Evie said smiling, and for the first time that night, (F/N) and Evie smiled at eachother, under the full moon.

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