Part 8

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(F/N) stared the blighter down as he pressed his hidden blade against the gang member's neck, "What are you going to do again?" (F/N) asked sarcastically. The blighter swallowed and cleared his throat, "I'm going to tell the other blighters that were done in London" (F/N) smiled. His smile turned into a smirk, as he put his hidden on the man's privates, "And i'm sure you know the consequences if you don't do this" the blighter nodded quickly, "off you go then." (F/N) moved away from the blighter, the blighter bolted but before he could get out of the ally, a figure punched him in the jaw knocking the blighter out.

(F/N) didn't notice as he was to busy counting the coins he had just stole from the blighters pouch, the figure elegantley walked over to (F/N) and then put a pistol to his head. "give me the coins!" the figure said forcefully, (F/N) became confused, "Wait are you..?" the figure pulled back the trigger, "okay okay here you go" (F/N) said as soon as he heard the gun click, he handed the robber the coins.

The "robber" then scoffed and said, "I never knew you were so afraid of me" the figure let out a small laugh, (F/N) sighed and turned to face the figure who was Evie. "I knew it was you," (F/N) said, snattching the coins back from Evie, who in return rolled her eyes. "So I assume you have work" Evie smiled, "you know me so well" she handed (F/N) a piece of paper.

"Out of all the clues you've given me this is the most cryptic" (F/N) said as he examined the paper which had writing on it, "Focus on it" Evie explained. (F/N) did as such and he noticed that there was a secret drawing on the paper, "What's this off?" Evie smiled and took the paper back, "The Kenway mansion, which belonged to the Master Assassin Edward Kenway, also its our next clue to finding the piece of eden," (F/N) looked at Evie blancly and replied "who?"


The pair finally made it to the Kenway mansion, and Evie was in aw; (F/N) had to admire that about her, she was so much like her brother but instead of getting happy about a new fight club or a good pint like Jacob she would get happy over an assassins old mansion. Unfortunatley, Evie regained focus as she noticed the Blighters that populated the house, (F/N) noticed them to, "Why couldn't you have brought Henry?" (F/N) asked as he looked at the mansion.

"Mr.Green was unable to do any field work" (F/N) nodded, "surrrre" Evie was taken aback, "Whats that supposed to mean?" (F/N) tried to hide how he really felt about Henry. "Do you really not see it?" Evie narrowed her eyes, "See what?" (F/N) shook his head but, as Evie was about to reply a carriage pulled up to the Mansion (F/N) alrady knew who it was. Lucy Thorne stepped out of the carriage issuing orders to the intimidated Blighters, "Why's you're arch-nemesis here?" (F/N) asked, Evie rolled her eyes again. "Why do I put up with you?" Evie said playfully, "she's clearly looking for the artifact as well, its best we find what she's looking for first."

"We'll we should get moving then," but Evie was already ahead of (F/N), she ran torward the side of the mansion and she climbed over the fence, (F/N) followed closely behind. Evie stopped at the wall looking at a window, she couldn't reach on her own, neither could (F/N), "Need a lift?" (F/N) asked Evie nodded. (F/N) kneeled and intertwined his fingers, Evie jogged back to the fence then bolted torward (F/N). (F/N) in respone raised his hands as fast as he could when Evie's boot touched them, (F/N)'s actions caused Evie to be propelled on the wall allowing her to grab the window.

Once she was in the mansion, (F/N) waited for Evie, after awhile she appeared out of the window with her hand outreached, (F/N) jumped and grabbed her hand. After Evie pulled the heavy man into the mansion, the pair began to explore the rooms, "Wooooow" (F/N) said quietly as he reached for a model ship that was on a mantle, Evie smacked (F/N)'s hands, "No touching." (F/N) sighed and sat down on the stool that was next to a piano, "You're no fun," Evie gave (F/N) a look that was the equivalent of saying please. "Fine" (F/N) said but as he was planning on getting up he accidentley put his hand on the piano keys, which emmited a loud sound.

Evie turned to (F/N), the only thing he saw in her eyes was annoyance, but before she could say anything the floor groaned and opened up revealing a secret stair case. "I meant to do that" (F/N) said, Evie smirked and whispered "you're lucky I love you" the pair walked down the stairs into a room. Evie looked walked over to a desk, (F/N) examined the swords that were on the wall, "You had good taste Captain Kenway." But before the two could get very far in exploring the pirate bunker, in the room above them they heard foot steps and voices, "What do you mean you heard music?" (F/N) cringed and ran to the staircase, "Its Thorne" he hissed. Evie pinched the bridge of her nose, as she put a golden disk and a piece of paper in her robes.

Then she saw a lever by (F/N), after getting his attention and making a few gestures (F/N) pulled the lever. "It's closing up, stop it!!" Lucy Thorne yelled but it was to late as the floor closed up. "Good thinking Ev" (F/N) said, "thanks" Evie nodded, (F/N) turned to her, "Now what?" Evie then looked around to see if anything could be of use then she saw a sterring wheel that appeared to be linked to the wall. "Could you turn that for me (F/N) ?," Evie asked (F/N) nodded in reply and grabbed the wheel he began turning it. Evie began to tap her foot as she heard the shouts of the Blighters and Thorn, eventually the secret passage was going to open again, she looked back and noticed the wall was doing nothing, (F/N)'s efforts appeared to be meaningless. Evie began to doubt herself, but then finally the wall sprang open, revealing a secret exit. "Lady's first" (F/N) joked while gesturing to the passage, Evie smirked and started to run through the passage, (F/N) followed her.

After what seemed like an eternity the pair finally, made it to a ladder, ignoring the stench of piss and the thought of all the shit he was stepping in (F/N) climbed the ladder and made it out of the tunnel. Once, he and Evie made it to the surface, (F/N) asked, "Now what?" Evie pulled out the golden disk she had in her robes, "Now I go and study this." (F/N) looked at the ground, "With Henry?" Evie looked at (F/N) suspicously. "Yes, why do you ask?" Evie replied genuinley curious, (F/N) shook his head, "Never mind, i'll come with you," Evie shook her head this time. "You know if it was any other day I would love to have you annoy me while I work, but unfortunatley Jacob asked for you're help." (F/N) chuckled, "Yeah and Luch Thorne is the nicest person alive," (F/N) laughed Evie gave him a sympethetic look.

(F/N) stopped laughing, "No" (F/N) said firmly, "Please for me" Evie said sweetley giving (F/N) a smile, "No." Evie sighed angrily, she then got an evil look on her face, "Just remember we've been together for 3 years, there's quite a bit I could tell the Rooks about you," (F/N) looked at Evie, "You wouldn't." Evie leaned against a tree, smirked, and shrugged her shoulders; knowing she had (F/N) trapped.

"Fine, but if he tries to kill me I blame you" Evie gave a small chuckle and kissed (F/N) on the check, "Where?" (F/N) grumbled, Evie's smirk grew, "Lambeth Asylum, he wants you to meet him tommorow night." (F/N) walked off clearley angry about the ordeal that was going to take place, leaving Evie alone she thought she made the right choice by choosing to lie about Jacob needing (F/N)'s help, when he had asked for her help specifically. "They need to be friends again, they'll be alright" Evie said to calm her nerves, unfortuantley she had no idea how wrong she would be. But never the less she began to walk back to the train ready to share her findings with Henry.

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