Epilogue Part 4

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(F/N) looked at the mansion from the cliff, Evie kneeled next to him looking down into the valley, she saw the thugs that were patrolling the Owers' mansion. "What's the plan, Eve?" Evie regarded (F/N) cooly, "We use our fear tools to sneak through the perimeter, then we go through the window, and we find Owers and assassinate her," (F/N) scoffed. "I feel like your plans are getting more and more simple," Evie regarded (F/N) and scowled, "I apologize I haven't had the time to plan a decent and lengthy strategy." (F/N) stupidly said "I think your plan is fine, you're just getting soft in your old age," (F/N) smilled to himself but that smile dissapered when he saw Evie smirk, "Funny," she said softly. Evie stood up and shoved (F/N), he stumbled and fell down the hill, it looked painful, but Evie still chuckled slighlty, "He should know better," and she jumped off the cliff and slid, professionally, after (F/N).

----------------------Flashback 20 years ago---------------------

(F/N) found Evie at a fight club, she was just starting another round of fights, (F/N) walked over to Evie's side of the ring. "Hey" (F/N) said casually, as if it was completley normal to talk to your wife right before she was about to fight, Evie turned and saw (F/N) leaning against the ring, she smilled, "Hey!!" Evie kissed (F/N) on the cheek, (F/N) smirked "What that's all I get?" Evie's smile faded, she rolled her eyes, "Normally I would be more than happy to oblige, but I have to look like i'm somewhat tough," (F/N) laughed.

He saw the guy get into the ring, the other fighter laughed when he saw Evie, he obviously thought this was a joke of some kind, "He looks like his defense isn't good on his left," (F/N) remarked. Evie contemplated this, and replied "I want to be fair, I don't want to exploit that weakness yet," the other fighter was still laughing, "I thought this was going to be a real fight, instead I fight the bitch." (F/N) cringed, "poor choice of words," Evie's expression morphed into pure anger, "your dead" Evie said aloud.


(F/N) fell on the ground, startling a couple of thugs, "I...Uhh, I got nothing," (F/N) said as looked at the thugs who were glaring at him, (F/N) jumped up quickly, tackled, and stabbed a thug in the throat with his hidden blade. The two other thugs backed up a little bit but realized that they had the advantage in numbers, (F/N) only had his hidden blade so he quickly ruffled through the dead thugs coat, and he pulled out a... bottle, "damn" (F/N) muttered. The blighters grabbed (F/N) and threw him on the ground, they both started kicking him, (F/N) covered himself and rolled out of the thug's grasp. He stood up quickly and threw the bottle at one thug, (F/N) mentally cheered when he saw the glass bottle open up the thug's forehead. The thug fell to the ground screaming, leaving one thug left who was clearly compitent, the last thug got into a fighting stance, (F/N) got into a fighting stance as well, he was ready to kill.

But the remaining thug smiled for some reason (F/N) risked a quick look behind him, (F/N) instantly regretted it he saw at least ten thugs running up to him and the other thug, (F/N) swallowed. Right when the thugs were about to swarm (F/N), an explosion went off orange smoke enveloped the thugs and (F/N); (F/N) had no idea what was going on he was extremely on edge. (F/N) felt like running, he needed to hide but he realized he had felt like this before, suddenly the thug who had been smiling, screamed, he fell to the ground with a knife in his back, the thugs screamed in terror some tried to look brave but all of them quickly ran off scared out of their minds.

(F/N) sighed and looked in the direction of the thug who had been stabbed, a smiling Evie emerged, "You know you could have done that sooner?" Evie laughed, "but you were doing so well," (F/N) turned and started walking to the mansion.


(F/N) climbed through the window, Evie looked around the mansion, "Where is Owers?" (F/N) asked aloud, Evie smirked as if she knew something he didn't, "she's obviously in her office, if I had to make a guess i'd say she that would be on the top floor. If you bothered to study the plans for this house, then you may have known that." (F/N) rolled his eyes and followed Evie as she began to walk torwards a set of stairs, "I wanted to watch the mountain ranges" (F/N) said annoyed. Evie smilled happily, but she quickly put a finger on her mouth, and pulled up her hood, (F/N) pulled up his hood as well. Evie crouched and walked slowly around a corner, (F/N) heard voices he turned a corner, he saw Owers she was being guarded by two thugs.

Evie pointed at the two thugs, and drew a thumb across her throat, (F/N) nodded and ran at the two thugs, he ejected both of his hidden blades and jammed them into the necks of the two thugs, Evie moved around the nearly dead thugs, Owers turned around she looked absolutley terrified, but (F/N) became suprised when he saw Owers smile. Evie quickly jumped on Owers and stabbed her with her hidden blade.


(F/N) and Evie snuck out of the mansion, "So what did Owers say?" Evie shrugged, "not much actually, she seemed relieved that we weren't Jack," (F/N) shivered. "It scares me to think why she was more afraid of Jack," Evie nodded, "lets hope we free London before anyone else has to suffer." (F/N) remained silent he jerked his chin to a carriage that was out front, Evie smiled and said "good idea" (F/N) casually walked over to the carriage. He pretended to stroke the horse's maine, the owner of the carriage looked at (F/N) curiosly, but he didn't approach him, while he was focused on (F/N), Evie snuck up behind him and jumped onto the drivers seat of the carriage, she snapped the reins and the horses cried out. The coach's owner quickly turned around and realized he had been tricked but it was to late, the carriage was already moving, (F/N) grabbed onto the side of the carriage. The pair of assassins escaped from the Ower's mansion, completley unaware of their surrondings.

P.O.V change

I watched as Father and Aunt Evie left from the Ower's mansion, I realized that they must have killed Lady Owers, I almost yelled, I couldn't make an example of her. As I watched Aunt Evie look into Father's eyes I realized, she will never hate him, if secrets couldn't break Aunt Evie's heart I could scarcely think of anything that could. "Celebrate your small victories, my dear father, you will never win the war," I said to myself, I almost laughed ... almost, I watched as the carriage dissapered from the view I had on the roof. I looked over the guests at the Ower's mansion, a large headache hit me, this one was the worst one yet. I jumped off the roof and landed right behind the guests; I let out an animalistic growl, "Examples must be made," I said softly, I pulled out my knife and lunged forward.


"Did you really have to break his arm? He already tapped out," (F/N) asked as he walked next to Evie, "It was a matter of respect, I can't have everyone mouthing off to me." (F/N) smirked, "Ahhh the great Evie Frye no one cares about respect as much as you," Evie laughed, (F/N) held Evie's hand as the pair walked through the streets, (F/N) noticed a man playing a violin, he nudged Evie. "You know we never did get to finish our last dance," Evie raised an eyebrow, "the dance? You mean the one at the queens ball?" (F/N) smirked and held out his hand, Evie rolled her eyes but took (F/N)'s hand and smilled, "You're lucky, I love you." (F/N) pulled Evie close and put his hand on her waist, he danced with Evie slowly, he listened to the violin music, Evie leaned her head into (F/N)'s chest. (F/N) tuned out everything else, the occasional person yelling, the slap of a horse shoe hitting the road, and the stench, all that mattered to him was the violin music, Evie, and not stepping on her foot.

Evie Frye x Male ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin