Part 4

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"So what is this piece of Eden?" (F/N) asked Evie, Evie shrugged, "I'm not certain, but I have a few theories" Jacob smiled as he saw London. Jacob turned to his sister and friend, with a twinkle in his eye, and, said "there it is London a city full of poverty, corruption, and templars, i'm at home" Jacob was smiling.

As the train pulled into the station Jacob stood up, and hopped out of the train, Evie and (F/N) both stood up, "I bet you land on your face" Evie said smirking. (F/N) rolled his eyes as Evie squeezed his hand, then jumped backwards out of the train; Evie excecuted a flawless landing. Then (F/N) jumped and hit the ground feet first, he underestimated how fast the train was going, (F/N) then fell flat on his face.

Evie walked up to (F/N) smirking, "I'm always right", but before (F/N) could reply Jacob ran up to the pair. "I thought you might be more nimble" Jacob looks sad and angry as he handed Evie 2 coins, "It was a bad bet anyway". (F/N) looked at the pair, "You guys were betting wether I would fail", the rwins get quiet, the pair is suddenly interested in their shoe's. As (F/N) gets up and brushes himself off, "Im used to you doing crap like that" (F/N) said pointing to Jacob, "But I never thought you would sink that low Evie".

Evie shrugs and Jacob laughs, as the trio walks into the station, Jacob failed to notice a kid run up to him and grab his coin bag. "OOOIIII" Jacob yelled and ran after the kid, (F/N) and Evie followed the angry man. "I can't believe you bet on me to fail", Evie sighed "to be fair it was Jacobs idea, I just didn't want to lose money, besides don't act like you and Jacob haven't ever bet on if I would take out a target".

(F/N) jogged alongside Evie as the pair tried to keep Jacob in sight, but the two were focused on bickering as well, "Okay you've got me there, but I always bet you would come out on top" Evie rolled her eyes. The two finally caught up with Jacob who was standing over a couple bodies, "So what now?" Jacob asked a little to oblivious to the bodies that were right there.

(F/N) shrugged as well, "Evie?" Evie looked at (F/N) a slight irritation in her eyes, "I think we should get a better view and try to find the assassin Mr. Green". Jacob smiled, "An excellent idea dear sister" as the three were moving along the streets torward a tower, Jacob got a bored expression on his face, "Last one to the tower buys a round for the group" he suddenly shouted, and took off.

"I hope this wasn't a bet as well" (F/N) joked, Evie smiled slightly and the two ran after Jacob. After an eternity of running, Evie was the first to the top as she was the nimblest, (F/N) was the second as he was less clumsy, Jacob was the last as he was not a runner. As Jacob made it to the top (F/N) nudged a sitting Evie who was facing away from Jacob, "It's just not your day is it Hats" (F/N) said laughing alongside a smirking Evie. Jacob scoweled, as the three were talking they didn't notice the assassin standing on the edge of the roof.


"Mr.Starrick?" Charles asked, Crawford Starrick turned around, "What is it Charles?" Starrick asked clearley concerned Charles spoke clearley sad and scared. "She collapsed" that was all Starrick needed to hear and he ran from his office to the other side of his house throwing open a door and running in. "Elizabeth?!?!?" Starrick yelled as he ran and kneeled next to his unconcious daughter, a single tear rolled down his check as he felt his daughter breathing. "Charles please alert Doctor Elitson" Starrick say firmly, Charles nods "ohh and Charles" Charles turns back around. "Please summon Miss Thorn I wish to ask her progress in finding the shroude", and it was only after Charles left did Starrick start to cry.

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