Epilogue Part 8

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I watched on in delight as my father tried to look in the gas that had Aunt Evie in it, I would have loved to stay and watch what would happen next but I had allot more plans to attend to. I had places to be, people to kill, and an identity to erase, I laughed slightly as the gas started to clear, "I should go now."


"Evie!" (F/N) shouted into the cloud of smoke, he looked around and he spotted Jack walking away, on the roof. (F/N) wanted to follow him, but he knew that he had to see if Evie was okay. (F/N) knew that the "smoke" was fear gas, but instead of the bright orange, that Evie used, it was pure black, the smoke was thinning, enough for (F/N) to see Evie, mumbling to herself. "Eve?" (F/N) said cautiously walking to her, Evie's eyes looked at (F/N) she looked scared as he approached, "Jack, Where's (F/N)? What have you done?" (F/N) looked at Evie confused, "I'm right here Evie, what's wrong with... did you just call me Jack?" Evie lunged at (F/N), he saw it coming and grabbed her, "Eve it's me, this is what Jack wants," she yelled and kneed him in the gut, (F/N) coughed and was forced to let Evie go.

"Right, you think I'm Jack," (F/N) said, Evie took a fighting stance, "You won't take me to," Evie remarked, a couple people appeared, "Everything alright over there sir?"  (F/N) glanced over to the small crowd of people, "Yeah, go away," (F/N) looked back at Evie, but that moment he looked away cost him dearly, Evie punched (F/N) right in the face, "Hey!" the bystanders yelled.

Evie turned to look at the bystanders who were running to her, she looked like she was panicking, "No, No, No. Get out of my head!" Evie yelled she ran at the men, she got into a fighting stance. (F/N) quickly recovered from the punch, "Eve no!" but Evie didn't even glance at (F/N) she grabbed one bystander and threw him on the ground. One cop ran up to Evie and swung his club at her, Evie grabbed his arm before the club made contact with her face, she smashed her leg into the cop's arm effectively breaking it.

The cop hollered Evie let go of him and shoved him away, the remaining bystanders looked at the cop and ran away, "Face me you monster," Evie yelled. "Eve!" (F/N) said looking at Evie, she turned and observed (F/N), "You must be the real one, you're the only one who didn't run." (F/N) looked at Evie, "You're hallucinating so I'm not gonna get mad when you come back to earth." Evie glared at (F/N), "I'm ending this," she pulled out her revolver and pointed it right at (F/N), "this is for all the women you butchered,"

A thousand thoughts went through (F/N)'s mind he could try to talk to Evie, he could attack her, or he could take the option that wouldn't result with him getting shot. (F/N) swallowed and said "if you shoot me, you'll never find your brother," Evie looked at (F/N) she put down her gun, "Where is he?" (F/N) slowly moved his hand behind his back he wrapped his hand around a throwing knife. "I'll tell you, he's right there," (F/N) threw his knife at Evie's gun, the knife knocked the gun out of her hand, Evie looked at the gun . (F/N) took this opportunity to tackle Evie, "Calm down, focus!" (F/N) yelled at Evie, she looked at (F/N), the fear in her eyes started to vanish.

"(F/N)? What's going on?" (F/N) looked at Evie studying her just to make sure she still wasn't drugged, Evie scoffed, "Not gonna kill you." (F/N) sighed, 'Only Evie sounds that much like Evie' he thought, (F/N) got off Evie and stood up, he held out his hand, she took it. Evie repeated her question "what happened?" (F/N) smiled, "you jumped on a fear bomb, so I wouldn't get hit with it, thank you by the way." Evie grabbed her skull, "I suddenly feel bad for all the people I have ever gased with that poison, it leaves you with a rather strong headache."

(F/N) smiled, "I prefer the classic slice and dice method," Evie's demeanor suddenly changed, the life energy left her, "The mad house," (F/N) looked at Evie confused. "While I was hallucinating, I heard Jack's voice say he was going back to the mad house." (F/N)'s confusion turned into fear, he had been to that place before, once was already to many times, "Jack lures us through the looking glass," (F/N) finished.

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