Part 3

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"And stab in the neck" (F/N) said to his target after jamming his hidden blade into his target's neck. His target was a large opium dealer in London, (F/N) was glad to get a piece of garbage of the streets. As (F/N) stood over his dying target, he was completley oblivious to the thug approaching him from behind.

(F/N) did however feel the wooden board that the goon smashed against his back, after (F/N) crumpled he was able to get up fairly quickly covered in his targets blood. The thug that hit him was expecting a fight but instead of injuring himself further, (F/N) pulled out his revolver and shot the man.

"That would have been funnier if he had a giant sword" (F/N) thought to himself, but (F/N) was jolted back into reality with a pistol shot ringing through the train yard he was in, (F/N) ran to the outside of the train yard where he saw a carriage. (F/N) then jumped on the carriage shoving the coach driver off the carriage, and then (F/N) snapped the rains and he was off to the rally point.

As (F/N) made his way to the agreed point where he and the twins would meet, (F/N) noticed Evie sitting on a crate. As he pulled up he heard Evie say, "A carriage, hmm you're working your way up, the last time we were on a mission you came on foot" (F/N) nodded "well I always had a thing for prestige" (F/N) replied sitting next to Evie. "Is Jacob here?" (F/N) asked "no you're fine" Evie said casually.

(F/N) then kissed Evie right on the lips and broke apart, "I still don't understand why we can't tell Jacob" (F/N) said. Evie laughed, "First off he would kill you if he found out how long we were together, second I always say how personal relationships can't compromise the mission and if Jacob found out what i've done..." (F/N) cut Evie off. "We would see Jacob in a brothel every night for the rest of our lives" (F/N) said laughing, Evie was about to reply until (F/N) was tackled to the ground, Jacob standing over him.

He hadn't heard any of the words or seen any actions (F/N) and Evie had done, "Well (N/N) you need to work on your defense" (F/N) sighed and used his arms to punch Jacob in the ribs effectiveley making Jacob get off him, "Well my offense is good". The two straightend up as George appeared, "Good work you all performed excellentley, I will see you back at the lair" but as George went to leave Jacob stopped him.

"But what about London" Jacob asked, George turned back to Jacob, "we must secure Crawley before we can take London" and with that George left. "This is horrible why can't we be out in the big world liberating it" Jacob said a little dissapointed. Evie sighed, "We can't disobey the rules, without them we are nothing", Jacob rolled his eyes, "i'm not saying we just go blow up every building in London, i'm saying we go there and free it, back me up (N/N)".

(F/N) shrugged, "Hats has a point Evie" (F/N) said ruffling his (H/C) hair, Jacob patted (F/N) on the back, noticing a train pass. Jacob smiled, "Its now or never dear sister" Evie sighed "Fine" and Jacob took of torwards the train, (F/N) ran after his friend followed by Evie. Jacob made it on the train first, followed by (F/N), and then Evie who (F/N) helped onto the train, and held her for a second to long. Jacob was to distracted by the sights of the city to notice anything else.

"This is a great life we live" (F/N) whispered to Evie, "The best life" Evie whispered back, as the train rattled on torward London.

Evie Frye x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now