Part 11

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The roars from the crowd echoed through the streets and the roof tops, where the Master Assasin Evie Frye was standing looking over the crowd. Evie starred at the monument, the clicking of roof tiles caused her to turn around, pointing her revolver at (F/N). "What?? me getting shot once didn't do it for you?" (F/N) said while pushing the revolver from his face. Evie sighed, "You should be resting," (F/N) rolled his eyes, "its been a week, plus Jacob told me that Henry wasn't with you, I thought you might need the backup."

Evie smirked, "How considerate you are," (F/N) rolled his eyes again, "hey if you don't want me, then im sure Lance from Crawley would be happy to be with you." Evie shuddered at the thought, "So what are we doing here?" Evie pointed to the bottom of the monument, "I need to get to the base, but I need a distraction." (F/N) smiled, distractions being the thing he had a natiral talent for, "What were you thinking?, I could try throwing crap at the officers, I could try the my wifes having a baby one I haven't done that in a while."

Evie laughed, "Better stick with the classic start a fight," (F/N) groaned, "you always have to pick the most boring option," Evie glared at (F/N). (F/N) put his hands up defensiveley, he jumped off the roof and into a bale of hay, Evie followed him.

Evie walked to the front of the crowd, not wanting to draw the attention of the officers that were guarding the stage. She waited but nothing happend she was about to find another, but then the voice of (F/N) rang out, "You spilled my drink!!!" and then the sound of a fight was heard throughout the crowd.

The officers guarding the stage groaned, one blew a whistle, they walked in the crowd looking for the perpetrator. Evie smilled to herself and made her way bellow the stage that was constructed, once she made it to the base of the monument she withdrew the golden disk she stole from the Kenway mansion. After examining the plaque that appeared to have a sircular hole in it, Evie inserted the disk, then.... nothing. Evie waited but nothing happend, she pounded her fist against the wall in anger then withdrew the disk, she walked away from the stage to go find (F/N).

Evie found (F/N) being grabbed by a police officer, Evie walked up to the officer and (F/N), "There you are I can't leave for two seconds and you're already getting aressted," (F/N) looked away pretending to be guilty. "You know this bloke?" Evie nodded faking sadness, "Yes officer he's my husband he has the occasional problem with alcohol," The officer nodded, "I see, well off to the drunk tank for you," Evie stopped the officer, "And I would very much appreciate it if you gave him to me," she said sweetly.

"Fine," the officer said releasing (F/N), "next time he starts a fight he's getting a beating," the officer warned and left. "Why am I always the alcoholic, the drug addict, or the mentally challenged person?," (F/N) asked when the officer was out of ear reach. Evie sighed clearley not in a good mood, "Because theres so much wrong with you, its not even a strech," (F/N) looked at Evie shocked, she immediatley apologized, "I'm sorry, but the disk didn't work nothing happend," (F/N) looked at the monument, "did you check the top?" Suddenly, a look of realization appeared on Evie's face, "I'm a fool," and the pair quickly ran to the monument.

"I hate these thiiiiiiiiings," (F/N) said as he grappled up the monument. As the pair started climbing the golden statue on top of the monument, Evie gave (F/N) a sympethetic look, "If you need to go back to the train, I wouln't blame you." (F/N) smiled as they stopped climbing, "I'm fine, but it's nice to know you don't completley hate me," (F/N) said jokingly. Evie pulled out the disk as she saw another circular hole, and replied to (F/N), "I could never completley hate you, I mostly hate you," and as they laughed, Evie inserted the disk into the hole.

"Look familiar?" Evie questioned as the disk revealed an image of a man holding a sword, "St. Pauls Catedral, which means more grappling," (F/N) sighed.

---------------Time Skip-----------------------

"Im just saying that its really unrealistic, Eve" Evie shrugged as she walked next to (F/N) on the roof of the catedral, "not really is it so hard to imagine a device that would allow people that are miles apart to talk." (F/N) rolled his eyes, "Do you also believe that theres going to be a machine that will be able to fly in the air, or a machine that will let people go into space." Evie scoffed, "Okay now you're being ridiculous, anyway were here."

Evie said as she kneeled behind the statue of St.Paul inserting the disk causing the back to open. "If you could wait a moment," Evie said as she started working on the gears that were behind the panel. "And there we are," Evie said with satisfaction pointing to the tower that appeared to be reacting because of the solved puzzle.

"Beginners Luck" (F/N) said mockingly to Evie, who in return said, "unless you want another bullet in your stomach I suggest you start climbing that tower," (F/N) didn't say anything while climbing.

As the assassins entered the vault, Evie noticed a pedestal at the back of the vault she picked up the necklace that was on it. "The key to the vault and the shroud," (F/N) examined it as Evie put it around her neck, "It looks very unique," (F/N) said. "Good day Miss Frye, Good day Mr. (L/N), i'll be taking that" a voice said the pair turned around and saw non other than Lucy Thorne. "I think we'll keep it a bit longer if you don't mind," (F/N) said jokingly, Thorne sneered, "I think i'll just take it now and make you watch as I gut her." (F/N) stopped at this comment, "She does not like you" (F/N) said to Evie, "You can't conrol the shroud" Evie yelled to Thorne. "Really? and what would you and youre pair of monkeys do with it keep it from us?" (F/N) then got mad, "Monkeys!!!!, Eve can we please kill her now," Evie looked at (F/N) confused, "I thought you said you couldn't fight women?"

"For her i'll make an exception," and the pair charged as Thorne pulled a knife, "Slow, technique is sloppy, footing is off, needs to stop over reacting" Thorne said, which caused (F/N) to get angrier. Unfortunatley, this gave Thorne an opening she kicked Evie away, twisted (F/N)'s arm and shoved him to the ground. Putting a knife to his face, "I always hated you!!" Thorne yelled as she tried to bring the knife down on (F/N)'s neck. "(F/N)!!!" Evie yelled she ran up to Thorne, but she saw Evie coming and she got up quickly grabbing Evie, throwing her against a window, while kicking (F/N) in his unmentionables. The window shattered as Evie hit it, (F/N) couldn't help, as he was paralyzed on the floor.

"Time to die Miss Frye," Thorne yelled as she tried to push Evie out the window, but Evie knew what to do and she managed to spin around Thorne while pushing her out the window. Unfortunatley, Thorne grabbed the necklace around Evie's neck, causing Evie's throat to be pushed up against the broken glass. "(F/N)" Evie gasped, after hearing his name (F/N) stood and jogged over to Evie ignoring the pain he felt, he grabbed Thorne trying to lift her. However, Thorne grabbed (F/N) pulling him out the window while also managing to slip off the necklace Evie had on her neck.

"(F/N)!!!" Evie yelled, as she saw Thorne running, she nedded to know (F/N) was okay. So she chose not to pursue Thorne, she needed to find (F/N), she lept out of the window and onto the roof. "(F/N)??" Evie called, "hey how are you? im just HANGING around," Evie looked around trying to find who said that. "Down here" (F/N) said, Evie walked over to the edge of the roof, (F/N) was hanging onto a stone that was sticking out of the wall. "A little help," (F/N) said a little irritated, "I don't know you did say I was wrong when it came to the telephone," (F/N) sighed and looked up at Evie, "please?"

"Say it" Evie said playfully, (F/N) sighed, "You Miss Evie Frye were completley right about the telephone, and I was wrong, now could you please help me?" Evie smirked, "Wellllll," (F/N) looked right at Evie with murder in his eyes, "Okay, okay." After Evie helped (F/N) up he started walking away, "Where are you going?" Evie yelled to (F/N), "i'm gonna go work with Hats for awhile its not safe here."

Evie smiled, put looked down, "Just don't abandon me," she whispered softly to herself.

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