Alexander, on the other hand, only blinked his drowsy eyes and smiled sleepily.

Then, as usual, he pulled Cedar's arm in an attempt to kiss him.

Experiencing that familiar move again, Gale swiftly covered Alexander's lips with a hand and pushed the Prince.

Alexander was at the edge of the bed, thus when he was forcefully pushed while still in a half-conscious state, he seemed to lost his balance.

Then, he grabbed Cedar's robe, causing them to fall onto the floor with a loud thud.

"Enough! Wake up already!" 'You kiss maniac!' Unable to notice the subtle smile at the corner of his lips, she scolded the Prince.

At that same time, the bedroom door opened.

The manservant Roki together with the High Priest entered the room and witnessed their 'intimate interaction'.

Cedar was on top of the almost half-naked Prince whilst he himself had his robe loosened and his shoulders were exposed.

Roki immediately turned his head to avert his gaze from the scene.

Yrhan, on the other hand, glanced down at Cedar and paused for a few seconds before turning his heels with a deadpan face.

"Sorry. We didn't see anything. We'll come back later." he uttered in a composed manner.

"Wha!" Cedar panicked and stood up in a hurry. "Wait! Yrhan! It's not what it see-- Wah!"

He stumbled when he lost his balance. And as he tried to hold onto something, he grabbed the High Priest's outer robe, making Yrhan fall with him as well.

Fortunately, the Elf was quick on his feet and immediately gained his footing and turned, removing his robe off of him and then caught Cedar in a hug-- everything happened in a blink of an eye.

"Ugh... really, you..." with an irritated and dissatisfied look, the High Priest grumbled. "Making me waste my precious magic for your idiocy..."

Yrhan moved his fist with the intention of lightly hitting Cedar's head.

However, a hand suddenly grabbed his wrist, stopping him.

"Thank you for helping him." The Prince smiled at Yrhan as his grip got a bit tighter.

"Heh~" The High Priest Elf smirked as his wrist blurred for a moment and was released from the Prince's hand. "All pleasure's mine."

"With that magic of yours, you seem to be more fit to fight than to heal!" As Cedar caught a glimpse of his ability, he praised Yrhan.

"Oh, please spare me. Although I am definitely better than any magician, I can't be bothered with those foolish political affairs of you humans." Yrhan answered as Cedar was taken away from his arms by the Prince.

Truthfully, the Elves were neutral species. Their race was peace-loving creatures and their abode wasn't easily reached.

However, due to some circumstances involving King Kraveil himself, a High Priest was sent to the Palace.

At the same time, a god appeared in Yrhan's mind, telling him a rather ridiculous story and divine mission.

"Again, I'm sorry for interrupting you." Yrhan bowed lightly, still intending to leave the two alone.

"As I've said!" Cedar stressed out with quite a loud voice. "It wasn't like that! I only lost balance and unintentionally pushed his highness! It was an accident! An accident!"

"...sure. I believe you." Yrhan flatly responded.

Gale wanted to cry already. This guy seemed to really think that she's attacking the Prince!

'What the heck? I ain't that sexually deprived!'

'Wait, I AM deprived but... I want it to be normal!'

She protested in her head as her brows twitched while looking at Yrhan.

"Eherm..." breaking the awkward atmosphere, Roki cleared his throat. "Reporting to his majesty..."

Turning his head, Alexander prompted him. "Speak."

"We've already investigated the poisoning incident and found out that the last person seen leaving Cedar's quarter was Ms. Isabella from the Moonlight Tavern."

As Roki was reporting, the Prince eyed Cedar.

The latter then nodded in agreement. "That's right. Although my memories of that time were quite fuzzy, I remember that I saw an Armagunda flower from her pouch."

"So, where is this Isabella?" Alexander asked with a cold tone.

"That..." Roki hesitated for a moment as he glanced at Cedar since he knew that the girl was the Knight's lover.

"Is she caught?" Cedar also inquired with a curious look.

Seeing that the man involved was calm about it, Roki continued. "She was found dead at the eastern border."

Hearing the news, she was surprised. She never thought that Isabella would end up dead that fast.

"Also, her body was dismembered and we found her body parts apart from each other, as if she was still escaping till her limbs were cut off. Additionally, there were numerous cuts on her body. It was evident that she was heavily tortured to death."

Gale shivered at the description as she remembered the trauma of her male counterpart.

"H-He's insane..." she mumbled.

She doesn't need any evidence.

Gale could already guess who the culprit was.

"Ignis..." she hissed under her breath. " bastard..."

(A/N: 1 m.= 3 chi so 300 chi is equal to 100 meters.)

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