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A/N: Originally written for I, Ache teamSMH 👀 However, sunshi_fairy let us post this on our own personal accounts for now.

You know the drill. 😏


PROMPT: Your personal zodiac sign (mine is Capricorn. Kinda... convenient for me... 😏)


He played the beginning chords of the original song he was trying to compose, waiting for that rush of music to go through his whole body. He had his eyes closed, his long fingers gliding on the different keys on his keyboard as he hummed, a small bedimpled smirk gracing his lips.

"When the tears are streaming down your face..."

He was in the zone and nothing could raze his concentration. Not when he needed to finish this song before their new record deal signing two weeks from today. Their producer wanted them to come up with new songs for their EP album - that was the stipulation in the contract.

Yes, nothing could stop his music mood at that moment.


Except his lead guitarist who came barraging inside their practice studio, wide-eyed and out of breath, to give him the one news he dreaded hearing.


"What are we going to do, Alden?" His lead guitarist, Kris, asked, brows furrowed.

He called everyone to an emergency meeting right after Kris delivered his news. They needed a contingency plan. They needed—No—HE needed to do something. He needed to make sure they would still deliver everything that he promised their producer they would do. He didn't like this feeling, losing control, like he didn't have a hold on things. This wasn't in his plans. He thought everything was going well. But it wasn't. So he needed—

"Of all the insensitive and selfish things to do, Julie had to run away with that good-for-nothing boyfriend of hers. What was his name again? Derrick?" Bea, their bassist, commented, shaking her head in disapproval.

"Nah. That was her last month's flavor. I think it's Ben, this month," Jerald, their rhythm guitarist and the resident joker of their band, answered.

"Whatever," Bea rolled her eyes. "They all looked the same to me, anyway. They just wanted to get in her pants and get a 5-second fame for banging the vocalist of Rosecourt. And of course, being the loose girl that she is - Julie always lets them. I seriously don't see why we needed to have her in the band, anyway. I say, good riddance that she's gone."

Jerald snickered in response, silently agreeing.

But Alden knew better. Yes, Julie was loose and yes, she wasn't discreet at all about her... relations, but she had the voice to sing all of Alden's compositions. He needed her. They had known each other since they were kids and Julie knew about his dreams, the same way he knew about hers. So they helped each other out to get to where they were right now. They were, in fact, the first ones to start their little band. It was just him and her before, playing his originals acoustically - with just his keyboards and her voice and cajon acoustic drum.

Until he met his other bandmates and Rosecourt was born. Until a producer heard them. Until he finally landed themselves a record deal because of their songs and the way they play harmoniously together.

Plus he knew that Julie had been doing these things to get his attention. To get in his pants.

Which, of course, wouldn't happen - ever. Julie simply wasn't his type.

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