ACT 17

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ACT 17

The blanket rustled softly as the sun poured through the large window from one side of the bedroom, its bright rays hitting the face of one of the once slumbering redhead on the bed. A grunt left Katarina's lips the moment the sunlight struck her, body shifting underneath her bedmate's arm.

To be completely straightforward, Katarina had forgotten about her bedmate and why she's lightly being held against the gesture of sitting up. She turned her attention to the woman practically clasped on her left side. The sun's shine gradually crept up on the still sleeping female, who buried her face against Katarina's side once the warmth of the sun reached her eyes. The redhead pushed back the urge to be tickled at the gesture, her body nearly squirming in reaction.

"Ashe?" She murmured, only for the said woman snuggle herself closer to her. The action made her smile, followed by a single word that departed from her lips. "Cute."




"Are you talking to me or a mirror?" Came a muffled question.

She laughed in a scoff-like manner, scooping Ashe up until the Winters was laying over her as if she's the bed itself. Ashe didn't give any objections towards her act in moving her over herself, arms lazily encircling around Katarina soon after she was finished being positioned.

"Did I wake you up?"

Ashe shook her head, which is nestled against her neck. "Not really. I've been awake for the past hour."

"That long?" She raised her eyebrows unconsciously in question.

"Mm-hm." Ashe slightly nodded. "Someone called."

"On your phone?"

Again, Ashe hummed. "It was Janna's girlfriend."

Katarina's eyebrows furrowed. "Janna, as in Janna Styrian?"

A hum, yet again.

"The reporter of Valoran News?"

This time, a chuckle.

"What's so funny?" Katarina asked with a pout she unknowingly donned.

"I completely forgot that you don't know who I work with on a regular basis." Ashe answered, suppressing another chuckle.

"Wait," When Katarina made a move to sit up, Ashe moved herself away, only returning to the Du Couteau once Katarina propped her back up and onto the cushioned headboard. "You're telling me that one of the most famous people in Valoran is a stripper like you?"

Ashe looked at her with amusement in her eyes before saying, "Just because that particular pattern has been becoming rather frequent doesn't mean all well-known and wealthy women are strippers, if that's what you're thinking."

"Oh, and I thought it was a trend I was missing out on."


"Ow!" She yelped when Ashe gave her a hard poke on the side.

"Very funny."

She huffed and adjusted her hold around her bedmate before starting, "Back to the original topic, why'd your friend's girlfriend call you?"

"We know each other way back."

"How long are we talking about here?"

"I've known her ever since I was in college." Ashe explained with a smile and a shake of her head. Before their conversation could proceed further, Ashe raised an eyebrow at her. "I think I may have caught the whiff of jealousy's scent. Specifically, yours."

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