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If she were to be completely honest, Katarina hates the arrival of the sun every morning, especially when its unwanted light would shine through the window and practically blind her out of her sleep. Releasing a groan, Katarina turned her body until her back faced the large window, the orange rays shining warmly at her bare back.

Since she's suffering from a hangover, she decided to just roll off the bed, dragging the blanket until it fell on the floor, and laggardly made her way to the bathroom.

Once she got inside, she approached the sink and turned the faucet on, gathering some water in her hands and splashing them against her face. Using one hand, she wiped off the remnants of the water on her face and looked up to the mirror directly in front of her.

As she saw her reflection, it made her realize that her bra is missing and she's only wearing a pair of panties. Brushing those facts off, she grabbed the blue toothbrush and the tube of toothpaste at the side. As she brushed her teeth, it never occurred to her that her toothbrush is actually red.

After a minute or two, she finished brushing her teeth and had already cleaned and put the toothbrush back to where she found it. Due to this not being her first hangover in her whole life, she's sort of used to the headache and had already gotten to the point where she manages to passively suppress the pounding to a bearable level.

She stopped at the entrance of the bathroom and looked around the bedroom she had just left a few minutes ago. Now that she's taking her time in auditing the room, she came to her second realization of the day.

She's not in her bedroom.

Well, honestly, that's not much of a shock for her. This isn't really the first time she ended up sleeping at another person's apartment. Although, this is the first time her 'evening partner' woke up first before her.

Katarina always wants to wake up first, so she doesn't have to go through with the conversation of her telling the person she just slept with that this is a one time thing and not a long-term kind.

'There's a first for everything.' She thought as she walked towards the couch at the side and picked up her bra from the top of her clothes, strapping it on before exiting the bedroom.

Why didn't she bother getting her clothes, which are surprisingly folded neatly on the sofa?

It's mostly because of the delicious aroma of food that's coming from, she assumed, the kitchen. She might as well take advantage of the situation, and maybe get one more round of fun before she leaves.

She exited the bedroom and went straight down the hall, passing a few closed doors before she made it to the living room. She found one black L-shaped sofa and a matching loveseat connected to it at one of the ends, a couple of folded blankets and a pillow sitting idly at the center of the two-seater sofa. There's also a flat-screen TV mounted on the wall, a wide coffee table that's almost fully made out of glass and a white fur carpet spread on the polished wooden floor and beneath the couches and table.

Her attention was brought back to her original plan when the scent of bacon reached her nostrils yet again. She rubbed her stomach as it growled quietly, continuing on her way to the kitchen. She passed the front door and finally arrived at her destination.

The sight that greeted her was just oh so arousing.

A woman with her splendid white hair cascading down and over her back and shoulders and donning nothing but a white fitted shirt and a black thong.

Katarina leaned on the doorway and crossed her arms, teeth biting her bottom lip as she used her eyes to roam all over the beauty's back. Her eyes would linger longer at the butt area before it would move back upward again.

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