Hold On For Me (Part 3)

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The pool area was mostly deserted, save for two small children splashing in the shallow end and their mom sitting nearby readying a book. Will headed straight for the hot tub, letting out a groan of relief as he submerged his body. Nico slipped in right after, thankful that the water came up to just below his shoulders, still feeling self conscious compared to the blond right beside him.

"I take it you had a long day at work?" Nico raised and eyebrow, smiling faintly.

"You don't even know the half of it. To begin with, my alarm didn't go off! My stupid charger broke and my phone was dead so by the time I actually woke up, I was running late and didn't have time to shower or grab coffee or food of any kind."

"If you had an actual alarm clock, that wouldn't be an issue."

"I know, I know, hush. So working a twelve hour shift isn't a breeze to begin with, but now I was tired and hungry and completely frazzled from being in such a rush."

"Who even says frazzled anymore? Except maybe grandparents," Nico interject and Will just waved his hand dismissively. He turned his body to face Nico more as the jets made it harder to hear.

"Anyways, so I'm already having a terrible morning, my least favourite manager was working, I swear she hates me just because I correct one flipping thing and prevented a major issue from happening- I'm getting off topic, sorry. So there's all that, and then on top of it, when I finally sit down at my break with my first coffee of the day, that sweet, sweet caffeine, guess what happens?"

"You spill it?"

"A frickin old lady bumps me with her walker and I spill it all over her, and then somehow I'm in trouble because my manager's an ass and I lose my break."

"Wow." Nico didn't really know what to say to that, but he was never really great with words in the first place. That was what was great about Will, he had no problem filling in the silence when needed.

"Literally the only thing getting me through the day was the thought hanging out with you tonight" Will saw the blush on Nico's face but assumed it was from the steam. "I swear my social life has been nonexistent since entering med school and now working two jobs."

Nico's heart fluttered, before the view of Will flirting with the lady at the front desk flashed through his brain. His facial expression remained neutral, even as Will's knee bumped against his thigh and remain there. Was this going to be Percy all over again? He shoved that thought away immediately.

After an hour or so, where Will did most of the talking, Nico could tell he was struggling to keep his eyes open, so he suggested they wrap things up. Will was reluctant to leave the warmth, but he knew he was losing the battle against sleep so he agreed and they headed back up the the room. 

Will left pretty soon after that, having to be at Disneyland in the morning. Nico walked him down to the lobby, thanked him for all his help, and stood watching as the first person he's really cared about in a long time got in a cab and drove away.

- - - - -

The alarm blared, but Nico was already up, ready, and packed. He didn't get much sleep last night after he went back up the room, and decided to be productive in that time instead. He went down and sipped a shitty coffee from the breakfast area before checking out, ready the walk to the airport.

The morning was cold, nipping at his ears as he moved faster, desperate to get out of the chill, to get out of California and escape the blond. 

The airport was busy, lines were long, security was grumpy. Nico was glad he had got to the airport so early, having not much time to spare before his flight was boarded. He lucked out, the seat beside him was empty. His phone was out, thumb scrolling through all his past conversations with the person who had come to be one of his best friends over the past few weeks. 'I love you." was typed out, sitting, waiting to be sent.

He pushed the button, wincing. His thumb held on the back space until the entire message was erased. The seatbelt sign came on just as his phone rang, a flight attendant glared at him as the noise reverberated around the small plane. 

'Sir, I need you to turn that off now, we are preparing for take off in just a few minutes." She stood waiting, but Nico looked and saw Will's contact, not even hesitating before looking her straight in the eye and answering it.

"Is Hazel okay?"

"Have you taken off yet?"

"No, still waiting to take off. Is Hazel okay?" Nico's leg bounced, giving away the anxiety he was feeling.

"She's awake. Doctor's are still running tests, and Frank's on his way in. You might not want to go home." Will's smile could be heard over the phone.

Nico hung up and was out of his seat, grabbing his carry on, and shoving the flight attendant out of his way faster than one could say Zeus. The door was already closed so he waited by it, bouncing on the balls of his feet for the flight attendant to come, and oh boy, she literally could not be walking any slower.

"Sir, what on earth-"

"I need to get off this plane, medical emergency."

"You look fine to me." She rolled her eyes and Nico had to hold back a growl of frustration, murder flashing his mind ever so briefly before taking a deep breath.

"I need off, my sister is in the hospital and I no longer wish to take this flight. Now please, open the dam doors so I can go see her." He smiled brightly, sarcastically, and the flight attendant hurried to open the doors.

"Your luggage will be removed momentarily, please wait inside to be called to security."

Nico ran down the hallway thing connected to the plane, he had no idea what the heck it was called. To his surprise, Will was waiting for him in the airport, holding a sparkly, bright pink sign with NERD written in glitter, a big grin spread across his face when he saw Nico rush in.

"Talk about timing, huh Neeks?" He lowered the sign to reveal a rose that he was holding.

"Will, what-?"

"I didn't want to say anything before, cause circumstances were less than ideal, and I know you needed a friend, but as we've gotten to know each other, I know that I don't want to be your friend anymore." Vulnerability was evident, the usually sure of himself Will was replaced with one who looked awkward standing there, giant sign and glitter smeared on his nose.

"You mean you-?"

"I want to be best friends Nico. Super best friends. But with like, going on dates and holding hands and kissing and all that mushy stuff."

"I'd love to be your super best friend and go on dates and hold hands and all that mushy stuff with you." Nico's heart was pounding, cheeks flushed as Will leaned in closer.

"Is this okay?" Will asked, holding Nico's face soft with the hand not holding a sign and flower.

"Shut up and kiss me you idiot."

(A/N: Wow. Bet you thought I forgot about this fic, it's been like a million and a half years since I last updated... But it's almost Christmas break! And my online courses are finished! So I no longer feel guilty sitting on the computer to write instead of work on them! Hazel wakes up and she regains her strength and doesn't lose her memory (I'm not a complete monster). Nico and Will pursue a long distance relationship, but they visit each other a lot. Will's a sweetheart and hangs out with Ryan even when Nico isn't there because that boy looks up to him and they go to Disney all the time and Will shows him gross medical pictures and Ryan loves it)

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