Spilt Coffee

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(A/N: so once I finish up my full length fic Flatmates, which will be within the next week or two, I will start planning an extended story for this one shot, but I decided to get ahead of myself and make a cover, pictured above (Feb 21))

Nico was having the worst day he could have ever imagined. His alarm didn't go off, his bathroom flooded because a pipe burst, the coffee shop got his order wrong, but he didn't have time to go change it, and now before he even got to drink the too sweet coffee and wake up, he and a complete stranger he had collided with on the sidewalk were now wearing his drink.

"I am so sorry!" Nico held out his hand to help up the man he knocked over, but he ignored it and stood. Rude. "I'll pay for dry cleaning, here's my card so you can forward the bill to my people." The stranger held out his hand expectantly and Nico placed it in his palm, ignoring the urge to chastise him for being so rude. He had the worst day and it wasn't even nine in the morning, and he didn't need some jerk to make it worse.

"Your people? What, are you rich or something?" The blond laughed, and Nico couldn't believe this man.

"Am I rich? Do you even know who I am?" He pointed up to one of the giant billboards on one of the highrise buildings, but the stranger didn't even turn his head.

"Why would I know who you are? I've never met you before in my life."

"My face is literally plastered all over New York City, what are you, blind?" Nico snorted, but the smirk was wiped off his face.

"I am, actually." He pulled something out of his pocket and it expanded into a white cane.

"Oh! I am so sorry! You must think I'm incredibly ignorant and rude. Umm, can I write you a check or?" Nico trailed off, unsure of protocol for knocking over and insulting the visually impaired. Money usually fixed everything, though.

"Write me a check? Wow, you are obnoxious and stuck-up. No, I don't want your money."

"Are you sure? You don't want anything else? I can make most anything happen."

"Then have dinner with me." The stranger suggested, and Nico coughed.

"How do you know I'm not a fifty year old man wanting to take advantage of you? I don't even know your name."

"I'm Will, and you sound attractive for a fifty year old. Besides, maybe I'm just a gold digger who doesn't care how old you are?"

"Says the one who wouldn't accept a check." Nico glanced down at his watch. "Crap! I'm gonna get killed. I have to run, but you have my number, so the ball is in your court, Will."

"Do you at least have a name?" Will called in the direction where Nico was walking away. He turned and called back.

"Nico, Nico di Angelo."

- - - - -

It had been two weeks since that encounter, and Nico had all but put Will to the back of his mind and shoved him in a box. He barely had time to breathe in between shoots, the plumber still hadn't come yet so he was showering at the gym and getting ready in the mornings in his office. He hadn't had time to think of anything other than work, which is why he was caught off guard when he answered the phone and heard a "Hey Mr. I Like To Knock Over Blind People And Proceed To Dig Myself Into A Deeper And Deeper Hole," in a bright and cheery voice.

"Hello to you, too William."

"It's just Will, please and thank you. So, any chance you can clear space in your busy schedule for a dinner with a humble peasant?" His easy chuckle reverberated over the receiver, and Nico couldn't help but smile.

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