Home Is Where The Heart Is

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So like, I can't stop writing these?

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"William Solace - di Angelo!" Nico exclaimed, laughing. "Paint goes on the walls, not my face!"

"Oops?" Will shrugged innocently. "It's just, they look so similar I got confused." He walked over to his husband, pulling him into his arms and tilting his head up.

Nico leaned down for a kiss before pulling away suddenly and swiping his paintbrush across Will's face, laughing hysterically.

"I feel so betrayed right now." Will fell to his knees slowly, grasping his heart. "You wound me." He fell onto his back and closed his eyes, seizing dramatically.

"Oh no, whatever shall I do?" Nico rolled his eyes, sarcasm dripping from his lips before going back to painting the walls.

Will slowly shuffled his body over to where Nico was standing and tapped his husband's leg softly. "Psst. You're supposed to wake me with true love's kiss." And then pretended to be dead again.

"Oh my gods, why did I ever agree to marry such a dork?" But he put his paintbrush down and straddled his lap anyway, leaning forward and connecting their lips together, arms braced against the floor on either side of Will's head.

Will attempted to deepen the kiss, but Nico pulled away. "Wake up Prince Charming." He kissed Will's pout away for another minute before standing up and getting back to work. "Her due date was literally yesterday, we have to get the nursery painted."

"Fine." He sighed dramatically, flailing his arms before standing up and grabbing his paintbrush and standing directly behind Nico, wrapping one arm around his husband and using the other to paint the wall.


"Yes, darling?"

"You know this is probably the least productive way to paint a wall, right?"

"But the most fun, am I right?" He nuzzled into Nico's neck, peppering soft kisses.

"Save it, Romeo, or you'll be painting the room all by yourself. We could literally have our daughter tonight, is it so bad that I want her to have a nursery put together and ready for when she comes home? I just-"

"Shh, I know, love. Why don't you get started on dinner and I'll have this room done faster than you can say vaffunculo."

"Umm, Will, honey?" Nico tried his best to contain his laughter. "I don't think you understand what that means?"

"It means 'you're my favourite person' doesn't it?"

"Go fuck yourself."

"Nico! We've talked about this. No swearing because we don't want our daughter picking up your horrible habits."

"No, that's what it means!" He burst out laughing.

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"We should be sleeping, who knows when the next time we will be able to have a decent amount of sleep will be?"

The nursery was all painted, the house was baby-proofed, and now they were waiting.

"I know, I'm just so excited and terrified, and what if I'm not ready to be a dad? You're around kids every day, I don't even remember the last time I held a baby." Nico finally confessed his insecurities. "I'm the one who will be home all day with her, what if I drop her, or mess up, or-"



"No ifs, ands, or buts. I have a month off work, we will figure this out together. I'm scared to, okay? But that's okay, we have each other, and we will just take it one day at a time." Will pulled Nico against his chest, wrapping his arms around him. "We love her, that's what matters. Everything else we can learn along the way."

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