20 - I'm Pregnant

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(Requested by @I_C_B_A from my prompt list)

Will was losing his mind. He had just pulled a 48-hour shift in the infirmary after an attack in the forest, and he was not ready for what he was hearing. Nico, his boyfriend, was sitting across from him, with a solemn look on his face.

"Will, I'm pregnant." His voice was soft, breaking the news.

"H-how did this happen?" Will paled, running his fingers through his air frantically. He had gotten up and started pacing around his small office. "We were being safe!"

"I know, but I can't control these things Will. It's not like I had a choice!" Nico sighed, resting his head in his hands, shoulders shaking.

"No, no baby, it's okay. We can figure this out. There are lots of options, we can handle this together, I love you." Will knelt down and pulled Nico into the safety of his arms. "Please don't cry, baby."

Suddenly a sharp laugh reverberated around the room. "It's not biologically possible for me to be pregnant, Will." Nico finally let out the laughter he had been holding in since he entered the office.

Will's mouth opened and closed. And then opened and closed once more. "Oh." Was all he could manage to say.

"Now will you believe me when I tell you that you need to take a few hours to sleep?" Nico raised an eyebrow knowingly."

"I suppose an hour or two wouldn't hurt?" Will blushed sheepishly, letting out a giant yawn.

"You can crash in my cabin so you don't have to deal with people coming and going."

"Promise to wake me up in an hour?"

"No, but I'll pretend to agree so that you go to bed." Nico winked, before pulling him up and walking to the Hades cabin with him, hands entwined.

The minute Will laid down in Nico's bed, snores could be heard. Nico pulled off Will's shoes and pulled the covers over him. He spent a minute running his fingers through Will's incredibly soft curls, before kissing his forehead and quietly closing the door to the cabin.

(A/N: Sorry it's so short! I have not forgotten about the prompts, I promise! I have all my other one shot projects finished now so I can work on these now :)

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