8, 18, 53, 54

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(For the sake of time and convenience, I'm just lumping all four of these prompts requested by @Ghost_King113 into a single one-shot, plus I like the challenge. I'm still working my way through the others, I have not forgotten about all of you! Promise! We will get there eventually and at this point, it's ten at night (as I'm starting this) and I haven't done any of my homework, and I don't see myself going to bed anytime soon in the foreseeable future, but it's fine :P )

Nico was never a touchy person. He avoided human contact at all cost for many years, with the exception of Bianca, but that had changed after the war. Being stuck in the infirmary, barely more than a shadow, changed the way he viewed touch. Having someone being able o pass their hand right through you will do that to a person. If he was being touched, he was okay, he was stable.

If people noticed the way his hand never left Will's while they were together, or that their thighs touched whenever seated, or just the way they were constantly connected in some manner, no one said anything. He stopped caring what people thought of him a long time ago anyways.

That was why when Lester, or Apollo, walked into the Hades cabin, he turned around immediately assuming something completely different was going on. "Wait!" Will shot up and ran to the door, but Lester was already gone.

"Hey, it's not like we were doing anything. This could have been a million times more awkward." Nico cracked a smile, sitting up and straightening his shirt that had slid up.

"Are you kidding me? It doesn't matter what we were or weren't doing! What matters is that my dad thinks we were, you know," Will trailed off, running his fingers through his hair in a panic. "And you didn't even tell say anything!"

"I'm sorry, but neither of us had any time to get a word in edgewise. Look, you can go find him and explain once you calm down," Nico had moved to stand beside Will at the door, interlacing their fingers together, "but one thing's for sure,"

"What?" Will tilted his head, confused."

"You're hot when you're angry," Nico smirked down at his boyfriend, who had become a blushing mess.

"I hate you."

"I love you too." Nico laughed, pushing Will out the door in the direction of the infirmary. "Now go, I'll be here when you get back."

- - - - -

"You okay?" Nico asked Will as he entered the room looking like he had been run over by a truck.

"The coffee maker is broken, I've just pulled a double shift, I need caffeine."

"You need sleep." Nico corrected, with a stern look in his eyes. "Come sit with me."

Will walked over and was about to sit beside him on the couch before Nico pulled him onto his lap. "I don't like how little get to see you because of work." Will leaned his head against Nico's shoulder and closed his eyes, breathing deeply.

Nico didn't dare move until it was dinner time, knowing Will was probably starving and he could head to his cabin for a proper night's sleep right after. He shook him awake gently.

"Nooo," Will mumbled against his neck, trying to cover his face from the light in the room. Nico tried again, and within a few minutes, they were walking to the dining pavilion, hands connected, Will dragging his feet sleepily.

- - - - -

Shadow was filling the room, and Nico had no control. He had woken up, drenched in sweat and his heart was not calming down. "W-Will?" He hated how his voice cracked and shook, proving just how vulnerable he was feeling.

The body beside him shifted, but when he went to shake him awake, his hand passed right through. He felt like his insides had been emptied and replaced with weights. "Will!" Tears were streaming down his cheeks, and his boyfriend sat up, rubbing his eyes before realizing what was going on. He immediately went to grab Nico, but couldn't.

"Love, it's okay. Just focus on slowing down your heart rate. Breathe with me. Can you do that for me please?" Will put as much healing power as he could into his words even though he knew it never helped when Nico was this bad.

"I think I forgot how to breathe."

 "Inhale," Will sucked in a deep, slow breath "Exhale, slowly now." They repeated this for several minutes.

Nico reached out for Will, but he still wasn't in a solid enough state. He began panicking again. "What if this time I can't come back?" His voice was barely a whisper. 

"You can't think like that, you will. We will get you through this." Will was getting worried, the shadows never lasted this long, but he put on a small, reassuring smile he used for his patients and continued to lead Nico through some breathing. "This time next year, we will both be living in the city, I'll go to med school, you'll be in college." Will began to ramble, hoping to distract Nico, to push away the darkness. "You will be the first and last thing I see every day, and I don't know what could be better than that. We can go for walks when it's sunny, and you'll be there to vanquish all the monsters like a personal knight in shining armor, and I'll be there to fix you up whenever you get into trouble." The shadows were slowly vacating the room, and Nico was beginning to gain some colour back.

"We could cook together," Nico suggested quietly. "I can teach you how to make all the meals my mama used to cook while we were growing up in Italy. And you can show me how to make the cinnamon buns Naomi always made for your birthday."

"And we could get a pet," Will suggested, and Nico tentatively tried placing his hand on Will's chest, letting out a loud cry of relief when it stayed there, when he could feel Will's heartbeat, when he could feel.

"Cuddle me?" Nico felt ridiculous asking it, but Will immediately pulled him into his arms, wrapping his body around Nico's, protecting him. Nico began to drift off to sleep to the subtle drum of Will's heart, to their chests rising and falling in sync.

"I'll never let you go."

- - - - -

(A/N: Not edited, but honestly too tired to care. Hope you enjoyed this nice fluffy update, figured I'd spare all your hearts for today ;)

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