Chapter 73: Jiraiya's Decision-Nia's Fate

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Chapter 73: Jiraiya's Decision-Nia's Fate

Jiraiya took the time to recollect himself as the vision he had witnessed in his mind still played over and over. Questions lingered in his thoughts as the future events had unfolded.

Was it really Nia's fate to die with unborn twins? Was it Naruto's fate to experience such a great loss after everything he's been through? Had he lost total control? Was the Nine-Tails free to reign the nations? Did the boy die as a result? What had happened next?

"Great Elder," The sannin couldn't take anymore, "You say your prophecies has always become a reality, yes?"

"That is correct, my boy." The wise toad answered, "Not a single one of my prophecies has never come to pass."

"Even so... do you believe there's a way to prevent all that from happening?"

"Hm..." He thought about it, "No."

"What?" The man gasped, "Not even doing something as simple as preventing the girl from becoming pregnant?"

"Even if she were not, she'd still be killed. Unless she utilizes her power, she will be murdered in cold blood no matter what sort of action you take."

"You mean... there is a way to save her?"

"I wouldn't say save," The Toad replied, "More like, delay."


"Yes... the masked man is bent on murdering her for his own personal reasons. According to my vision, he stalks the girl every now and then because he is devoted into figuring out her relationship with the jinchuuriki. He wishes to wound her in front of him. His devotion and determination will result in her execution. That is why she can't escape death. He'll find a way."

"Hmph... what if I told you, this will be the first prophecy you've ever gotten wrong?"


"Yes, Great Elder," Jiraiya nodded, "I'll take it upon myself to make sure this future never comes to be. I'm going to save her and keep the Nine-Tails from being freed from its cage."

"That's our Jiraiya-boy." Ma cheered as Pa only scolded her.

"Ma," He spoke, "You know all of Great Elder's prophecies have never been proven to be false."

"Yeah? Well, I'll prove all you wrong. My only question is: How can I release this power you speak of in the girl?"

"That... is something that will require you to subdue and withhold your emotions, Jiraiya-boy." The large toad answered, "You'll need to, as cruel as this sounds, beat her within a fraction of her life. You'll have to try and kill her yourself."

"What?!" The sannin's eyes widened, "No disrespect Great Elder, but are you sure this is the only way? I couldn't possibly-"

"If you wish to have a chance to save her life, you'll have to do this. Even if you wind up incidentally killing her, she was going to die anyway. Though... I would beware of the blue-eyed boy, for if he catches you harming the girl, he will undoubtedly try to stop you... even if it means drawing out his hidden chakra if necessary."

"All right then Great Elder, I'll do my best." Jiraiya stood tall then said, "However, before I take my leave I have one final request."

"Oh? And what might that be?"

"By any chance, do you know the identity of each guardian the masked man spoke of?"

"Jiraiya-boy, there is a way for us to figure out their identities." Pa answered instead.

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