"Is this. . . my room?" He asked the two buff soldiers.

Achilles was surprised when the answers he got were two boyish grins that covered their manly faces.

"I hope you like it. I helped paint the walls, as well as picked out the comforter," The man on the right of the door frame said. Achilles hadn't realized before, but the two men seemed younger than when they had emotionless faces.

The three of them ended up having a full conversation in the bright room, which definitely didn't match the gloom of the outside. Achilles learned many interesting facts about the two, like how they were twins, and weren't much older than Achilles.

They sat on the bed together, the brown haired, navy blue eyed male was Ian, his hair being dark, yet much lighter than his brother's. Andrew, the man with dark brown hair and pale yellow eyes, seemed leaner than his brother, who had a slightly more masculine frame. Though they seemed so similar, they had many conflicts. Honestly, you'd think they were an old married couple.

Ian and Andrew ended up telling Achilles that they were born into the pack, and in return, the werewolf told them his life story. The bullying, pain, and regret that came with it along with the hateful comments and snides from my pack members. Thankfully, when he was about to tear up, the two said they were to take me to an event called the 'welcome' ceremony, where he would be introduced and brought into the pack for good.

Up three flights of stairs, around a corner, down a hall, and past probobly a million doors, there was a huge room with seats filling every corner, similar to theater-in-the-round stages, which have seats completely surrounding the center, which would be the stage.

As Ian and Andrew led Achilles through the enormous room, Achilles noticed that it did look like something of an auditorium. Realizing that people were sitting in almost all of the chairs, he straightened up in hopes to have a good first impression, despite still wearing is disgusting clothes. Thats when the anxiety kicked in.

Too many people in one place, too many voices in one room, and too much dirt on Achilles' poor body caused the werewolf to start hyperventilating nervously. He was still wearing his old torn up rags that he called clothes, which was rather weird. Why would they let him come here looking like this?

Achilles was forced to sit in the front, where there were a few empty seats left. All around, people could be heard whispering and commenting about Achilles and other newbies, much to his despise.

That only made his anxiousnes worse. Questions like, what if they don't like me and do they think I'm weird continued popping up in his head, as he tried to clear the headache that they were giving him.

After a few moments, Achilles was shaken from his thoughts by a male's voice ringing from all around him, similar to that of the Alpha and the man on the speakers in The Dome. He sounded powerful, dominate, and like you don't want to mess with him.

"Hello everyone, and welcome to a very important ceremony where we will be appointing five lucky wolves to our beloved family."

Achilles hadn't looked at the man yet, too scared to see who the dominate voice belonged to, but when he did, it didn't surprise him to know he had the entire room cheering and whooping along to his introduction.

The man stood before Achilles as a six foot tall man with tan skin and more muscles and scars than the other guards combined. You could tell that in this pack, he was the leader. Or one of them.

"My name is Jamie Lin and I am one of the few Rank Fives in our pack. In a minute I will invite many werewolves to the stage to invite them into our pack, should they chose to join us!" The crowd roared at the mention of additions to their pack, obviously very proudful of themselves.

This made Achilles wonder, who really was the leader? All packs are different, and with so many huge men standing at the top, its unsurprising that the difficulty of finding the leader increases. Jamie mentioned his Warrior Rank, not his biological pack Rank. Does that mean he is a lower Rank, like an Omega?

As the boy thought this, he realized he had gone back into his own world, and needed to come back to listen.

"We will begin the ceremony by individually calling each person up to the stage. To start off, will Regina Noirs please join me at the stage?"

The man called many people up one by one, while telling the audience what ranks they had received, their old titles, and give them a chance to tell their stories.

Regina Noirs was rank 3, Alexandra Valentina was rank 3, Adam Menchoca was rank 4, Clarissa Leto was ranked 4, and then it was Achilles' turn.

"Now, please give a round of applause to the final person to be tested and passed at Rank 3!" The crowd erupted in cries of excitement as the last person was announced, congratulating the five new recruits, including Achilles, as many wolves scanned the crowd for the young werewolf.

Achilles stood up, his nervous meter about to explode. He wiped his hands on his dirtied shorts, wanting to get the moisture off of his hands.

Achilles walked up the small row of stairs to reach the top of the enormous stage. He was still nervous, but that fully not as sweaty, when he sat down in the nice chair that the other indivisual recruits were sitting on.

Alpha Kai made a long speach to start wrapping up the ceremony, and soon, it was time for him to make Achilles and the others a part of the Warrior Pack.

He turned from the crown, looked at Achilles with his deep grey eyes, and gave him a questioning look, almost asking for permission. Achilles bowed his head, letting the Alpha know he was ready, before adjusting so that his shoulder was more exposed.

The werewolf didn't have any time to think or feel regret as Alpha Kai plunged his teeth into Achilles' shoulder, followed by Jamie. Little did Achilles know, that was only part of the excruciating pain called The Warrior Pack Mark.

Here's Ian and Andrew!
Andrew on the left, Ian on the right! Love yall!<3

*******~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*******Here's Ian and Andrew! Andrew on the left, Ian on the right! Love yall!<3

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And Jamie, just for fun<3

And Jamie, just for fun<3

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Omega Warrior- Book 1 In The Omega SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now