Chapter 16 - Conceal

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What was supposed to be a fun relaxing lunch, was now a frantic and scary outing. Seriously, why did he have to come here?

I kept glancing over at him to make sure he hadn't noticed me. I didn't even know what to do. I hadn't talked to the guy in ages and now here he was.

He even got a haircut.

The little fucker.

Max seemed to notice my sudden nervousness.

"You alright babe?" he asked, with a raised eyebrow. He looked genuinely concerned though. It was actually kinda cute.

I blinked my eyes and shook my head slightly.

"Huh? Oh um yeah I'm fine, don't worry your pretty little head."

"So you think I'm pretty eh?" his eyes widened.

I blushed and tried to laugh it off. That's when I heard his voice.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

"Oi! Max! What're you doing here?"

Jesus, I forgot how loud he could be.

Max turned around, obviously confused. He smiled like the Cheshire Cat once he realized it was Jay.

"Bird! I had no idea you were here! How've you been? How's Kels?" he laughed.

Oh great... he was still with Kelsey Ann.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and tried to be quiet. I didn't want him to realize I was there- at least not for another minute or two, but I must've done a terrible job because before I knew it, those gorgeous blue eyes of his were on me.

"Hey you. It's been a while since I've seen you last?" he smiled at me.

I missed his voice so much. I could already feel myself getting emotional. He didn't need to see me cry over him though, so I pushed through the sadness and spoke.

"Hi... yeah it's been a long while huh? How have you been?" I responded, slightly shaky.

"I've been well, keeping busy with work. I'm sure Max has kept you well informed." Ouch. He sounded a little resentful at the end there.

Oh I should probably explain, Jay and Max worked together. I still wasn't even sure what they did but I just knew whatever it was, they did it together.

Wait, was he jealous? Well shit, now the tables had turned.

Payback time, part two.

"Oh yeah he's told me all about it. He's always so tired when I text him at night. You boys must be working hard. Certainly has Max beat, can't tell you how many back massages I've had to offer."

Heh. I was even a little impressed with myself.

I could see the pure annoyance in his eyes. Boy was it nice to be on the delivering end for once. Well, technically twice. Even though I was pleased with myself, I couldn't help but notice another look in his eyes.


Was that my fault? I didn't want to make him sad. He had always made me so happy, he didn't deserve what I just gave him.

Way to go Sally.

He started talking to Max again and I tuned out at that point. I felt like shit.

I just wanted to go home but I still had to endure lunch with Max and work.

Fuck. My. Life.

"Well, you kids have fun. I'll see you later hopefully Max."

I could tell he was faking it. He was hurt, and it was entirely my fault. Well, at least I'm assuming it was. After all, when we last spoke he proved to me that he didn't care.

I looked up at him and decided it may make him feel better if I said goodbye.

"Bye Jay, have a good day."

I genuinely meant it. I hoped I didn't ruin his day.

He just smiled and nodded at me before leaving.

I felt disgusted with myself, how could I hurt him like that? It wasn't right and I needed to stop hurting him just because he hurt me. We both deserved better than that.

"Well that was weird." Max cleared his throat, I think he knew I was out of it.

"Just a bit." I mumbled obliviously.

" Well, your lunch is pretty much over so we should just get this to go. Don't want you to be late." he ran his hand over his stubble.

"Yeah, good idea." I tried to smile back at him.

He just stared back at me.

"Your smile is much prettier when it's genuine babe. You don't have to give me that fake smile of yours that you tend to do around me." he laughed bitterly.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to come off that way. You do make me smile, I promise." I apologized.

He just half-heartedly smiled back.

Great, now I hurt two people today. Who would be the third? I mean, you know what they say- third times the charm.

We grabbed our food and went our separate ways. The rest of my day at work was completely lousy and I was surprised I got anything done.

Once I was done with work, I went home and took a long bath. I thought maybe it would help.

I had just gotten happy (as happy as I could be) and I fucked things up once again.

When would I stop doing this to myself?

I hoped it would be soon, cause I couldn't take much more of it.


Helloooooo !

I've been busier than ever with school, I just graduated yesterday so there was a lot of planning and such.

Thank you for getting me over 300 reads! Means the world to me (:

I wrote this chapter half asleep so I apologize for any spelling and or grammar errors.

Hope you guys are enjoying the story so far, there's a surprise coming up soon so stay tuned !

Once again, thank you so much for all your reads and votes! it really means a lot (:


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