Chapter 26- Hope

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The next couple of weeks sucked ass. Once I got home the day everything happened, I sobbed on the couch for ages while Ana and Jasmine took care of me. Getting me tea and my favorite ice cream, they were truly the two best friends a person could ever ask for. They let me nope around for a couple days before whipping me into shape. Something I was very grateful about.

I didn't talk to Jay at all, mostly because it just made me sad. Not to mention I told him he'd never see me again. If I really wanted to, I could've asked Max how he was doing but that didn't seen right for me to do. I thought it was kind of an asshole move to ask the guy that's in love with you to see how the guy you ditched him for is doing.

Work was going well though, David and I became pretty good friends after spending so much time together. I still wasn't exactly where I wanted to be, but I was content for the moment.


It was about a week before Valentine's Day and I had just gotten out of work. David actually let me out early and told me to take the week afterward off due to his vacationing in Sweden with his new beau. They were a pretty cute couple honestly.

I was slightly jealous of David to be quite honest. I was still single and had absolutely no plans for the romantic holiday ahead. Which was a bummer, so I thought maybe if I just pretended to be happy about it, sooner or later I would be.

When I opened the door to my humble abode, I was greeted by the wonderful smell of chocolate chip cookies and-no, it couldn't be- peach cobbler?!

As I walked to the kitchen I heard Ana and Jasmine talking.

"Okay so in about fifteen minutes take the cookies out and the cobbler should be done in thirty minutes or so." Jasmine said proudly.

"So should I set like a timer or something? Or should I just wait for you because god knows I'll burn myself." Ana inquired, obviously a bit confused.

"Aw you guys made me cookies and cobbler. How thoughtful." I joked, making my presence known.

Ana jumped and clutched her chest. She was always so easy to scare.

"Pft! As if. You can have some later at the party." Jasmine laughed at me as she started to clean the kitchen.

"Party?" I asked both of them, not knowing what the hell was going on.

"Yes sassy pants, a party. We were all invited and asked to bring dessert." Ana folded her tiny arms across her chest and leaned against the counter.

" Uh, okay. Who's party is it?" I leaned against the doorway, trying to give my feet a break from my heels.

" Nathan's!" Jasmine yelled over the water running from the sink while she washed dishes.

" Yeah, it's at his apartment. It's basically like an anti- valentine's day thing. It should still be fun though." Ana answered, peeling a banana for herself.

" Oh, cool. Who else is going? Any one we know?" I asked casually, not wanting to seem to eager.

" Well I think Max is going. At least that's what Nathan said." Ana shrugged.

I was actually kind of excited to see Max. I'm sure it would be slightly awkward at first but I knew we could still have a fun time.

But of course, Nathan and I shared another mutual friend.

"He'll probably be there." Ana said carefully. I swear, her and Jasmine could read my mind. Jasmine turned from the sink and gave Ana a stern look.

" Yeah I figured. Maybe we won't even see each other. If we do, I'll probably just make a good excuse to wander off." I sighed.

" Well hopefully you have a good time. I don't want him to spoil your fun okay?" Jasmine wagged her finger at me jokingly.

" Of course mum." I winked at her.

"Well you should probably change now if you don't wanna wear that to the party." Ana warned.

"And you should probably take those cookies out of the oven so we can take them to the party." I said, before walking out of the kitchen.

"Oh fuck!" Ana yelled and ran toward the oven.

When I got to my room I took my heels off right away. There was no way in hell I was putting any sort of heel back on. I walked to my closet and searched for something casual but kind of dressy.

I eventually decided on a tribal design romper accompanied by my favorite black converse. After I changed I went and checked my hair and makeup in the bathroom, it was still good thank god. I sprayed some perfume on myself and turned the light off before walking out.

I sat on the couch and waited until Ana and Jasmine were ready. It was actually kind of nice, I got to watch an episode of my favorite show, Criminal Minds.

"Okay! How do I look?" Jasmine asked me as she walked into the room.

She wore a loose blue blouse that fit her perfectly, paired with jeans and nude heels. Wow, she must've wanted to make a good impression. The woman hated wearing heels yet here she was standing before me in pumps.

"Good. You tryna bring someone home eh?" I winked at her and laughed at myself.

"What?! Oh my god no! Is it too much?" she fretted, examining herself.

"I'm just joking Jasmine! You look fine okay? I pinky promise." I smiled at her reassuringly.

She returned the smile and walked into the kitchen to check on the cookies and cobbler her and Ana had made earlier. I actually thought that was rather cute. Because Ana was so clumsy and clueless about cooking and Jasmine was willing to look past that and teach her how to bake cookies and peach cobbler. They were so cute with each other honestly.

I smiled to myself and resumed watching my show. About fifteen minutes later, Ana came out.

She wore a black plaid shirt and shorts with her new blue converse. Which I was jealous of, if I may add.

I let her and Jasmine go about their activities whilst I finished my show. I could hear them talking but I wasn't paying enough attention to know what they were saying. Hopefully it wasn't anything too important.

"Sally let's go! We're gonna be late!" Jasmine yelled as she walked out of the door.

I turned the tv off and grabbed my purse from my room before running out the door.

I was actually looking forward to Nathan's party. Maybe it would be the little perk up I needed.

At least I hoped so.


Hi everyone! I hope you guys have been good and whatnot (:

This is kind of a filler chapter but the next one is gonna be quite...eventful (;

I hope you all like the story so far and don't hate me.

I'm gonna try to update soon but I can't promise an exact time frame or anything. I just started college classes so I'm trying to get everything in order and such.

Anyways, thanks for reading and voting ! You guys are awesomesauce <3

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