Chapter 17- Stormy Weather

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I woke up to the smell of pancakes and bacon. One of my favorite things in the world. They just went perfectly together ya know?

I walked out of my room and headed straight for the dining room table. Only Ana and Jasmine were home so I didn't care much about my appearance.

Living with my two best friends was truly like a dream come true. We all got along and if argued at all it was over something stupid like who's turn it was to watch something on tv.

They were like my two personal rays of sunshine, always there to make me happy.

Because, I was constantly surrounded by dark clouds.

"How many pancakes do you want sleeping beauty?" Jasmine yelled from the kitchen.

In almost perfect unison, Ana and I answered back. We exchanged "wtf" faces that slowly turned into smiles.

Jasmine came over to the table and handed us our food before going back and grabbing her own. Along with her backstreet boys mug that I bought her for her birthday.

She was in love with them, like honestly, I can't even describe it.

After we were finished eating I took our dishes to the kitchen and began washing them. Jasmine and Ana stood there keeping me company.

"So are you busy today?" Jasmine asked hopefully.

"Um no, at least I don't think I am. Why?" I responded slowly, trying to remember if I had any plans.

"Welp, we just miss your face kiddo. Do you want to go see a movie or something? I miss you so much that I'm even willing to do girly shit." Ana winked at me.

I finished washing the last plate before turning around to face her.

" Technically you can't call me kiddo, pretty sure I'm older than you Ana Banana."

"Bitch don't test me, I was tryna be cute okay."

She shoved my shoulder, which I'm pretty sure required a bit of tip toeing.

She may have been feisty as hell, but she was barely 4'11.

Jasmine rolled her eyes at us before laughing slightly. "You guys are weird. So, are we going to a movie or what?"

After a few minutes of friendly banter and teasing, we decided a movie would be the best choice.

I started walking back to my room to lay out an outfit for myself when my phone started ringing.

Melanie? What the... this is random.


"Hi babe! You busy right now?"

She always sounded so fucking chipper. I don't think the girl had a sad bone in her body.

"Well actually Jasmine, Ana and I were about to go see a movie." I said, biting my lip.

I felt bad, she finally calls me after a few weeks without talking and I can't even hang out with her. Cause there's no way in hell I'm putting Mel and Ana in the same room.

I really wish they got along...

"Hellooooo? Sally??" she sounded slightly irritated.

"Oh sorry, I, uh ... dropped my phone. What did you say?"

I tend to space out a lot... Honestly, I'm surprised my friends put up with it.

" I said, maybe I could go with you guys. It'd be fun."

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