Chapter 5- Superstition

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I raced home so I could change once again. I tried to focus on being calm during lunch. We weren't dating or anything so there wasn't pressure to be all lovey dovey and whatnot. I just wanted this to be a simple lunch between two friends, I mean, that's all we were anyway.

When I got home, I was surprised to see Jasmine sitting on the couch.

"Oh shit, you're home early. Why's that?" I asked her with a genuine curiosity. Jasmine never left work early, even when she was sick.

"That's a good question. I actually-uh quit my job." She responded indifferently.

"YOU WHAT?!" I'm pretty sure I was way more concerned than she was.

"Yeah, I know. I'm just done with my boss and that job is stupid anyway. I wanna do something that I actually enjoy." She said irritably.

"Aw Jaz, I didn't know you hated your job that much. What are you gonna do now?" I asked sympathetically.

"Don't sound so sad! I'm actually not that upset about it. I've already decided what I'm gonna do." she replied proudly.

"Oh. Well what is it then??" I'm pretty sure my eyes were bulging out of my head due to excitement.

"I wanna be a nurse practitioner. So after this semester, I'm dropping out of culinary school and enrolling in the nursing program." she beamed. I was so proud of her, she was always so well put together.

"That's awesome! I'm really happy for you jasmine. You deserve to be happy!" I stated.

My phone started ringing and I answered it without even checking to see who was calling me.

"Hello?" I asked cheerfully.

"Sooo, am I being stood up?" Oh shit. I had completely forgotten about why I came home.

"No! there was a lot of traffic and I barely got home. I'll be there in like fifteen minutes, don't leave ok!" I panicked and started running around the house to pick some clothes out.

"Yes ma'am. I'll be here waiting my lovebug." Of course he had to add that stupid word.

"I hate you bye." I teased.

Jasmine walked into my room and stared at the clothes all over the floor. She hopped over a couple piles to get to where I was.

"Whoa. It's a good thing we don't share a room. God, you're messy." she sounded disgusted.

I scrunched my nose and stuck my tongue out at her.

"Well we can discuss my hygiene and living habits later. I need your help picking an outfit to wear to lunch." I retorted.

"Why is lunch such a big deal? All you're doing is e- Ohhhh. You're going with Jay aren't you?" she nudged me, almost knocking me over.

"Shut up. Just help me pick something ok. I need to hurry cause I'm already late." I said impatiently.

"Ok, sorry. Here, move out of the way and I'll pick something. Go fix your hair and makeup." she shooed me away.

I went to my bathroom and styled my hair into a crown braid and curled some of the loose strands. I already had makeup on so I just did a quick touch up. I checked my hair one last time to make sure it looked good.

Just because I wanted this to be a simple lunch between two friends, didn't mean I wasn't allowed to look good. I walked back into my room to see what Jasmine had picked out for me.

She had carefully laid out a pair of skinny jeans, a white tank top, and a leather jacket. My black boots were at the end of bed with a pair of socks right next to a long silver owl necklace. I thought it was sweet how she put everything I needed on the bed. I got dressed as quickly as possible and shouted thanks as a ran out of the door.

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