Chapter 27- One Last Time

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"Do you even know where we're going you boob?" I asked Ana from the backseat.

"Look smart ass, if I didn't know, you would know." she scoffed at me, trying to keep all her focus on the road that she was so desperately trying to figure out.

"Right, cause that made so much sense." Jasmine laughed and shook her head at Ana.

I had never been to Nathan's apartment before so I wasn't much help with directions. I left Jasmine to help Ana, seeing as she was the patient one of the group.

After about thirty more minutes of driving around and throwing multiple insults at one another, all in good fun of course, we finally found our way.

Ana drove around for a bit trying to find a good parking spot, none of us were trying to do a lot of walking. Not that we'd have to walk much anyway, thanks to the elevator. I was actually kind of surprised at how nice this complex was. I guess I expected something a bit more... simple.

Once Ana found a parking spot I nearly threw myself out of the car. Ana wasn't the best driver, so I was happy to see the sidewalk and patches of grass that didn't swerve and break harshly.

I, being the child that I am, ran up to the elevator and pushed the button at least 20 times. Ana and Jasmine came in as fast as they could, desserts in hand. I had completely forgotten we even brought those. Oops.


I rang the doorbell, which was only fair because I was the only one not carrying something. I reminded myself to apologize for that later.

"Heeeey!" Nathan yelled loudly as he opened the door.

"Ah someone's excited to see us." I greeted him.

"Only because you have food." he winked at Ana and Jasmine.

They both rolled their eyes and shuffled inside. I was praying to god that neither of them fell. They were both so clumsy.

After making sure he hugged the life out of each of us, he told Ana and Jasmine where to put the cookies and cobbler. Because I didn't have food, he told me I should go sit down in the living room and 'chill for a bit', his words, not mine.

I started walking away from him and slowly realized I'd never been in Nathan's apartment, I had no fucking clue where I was going. Even though it was just an apartment, it was huge!

I took my time and looked at weird photos he had on the wall. There was a couple of him and a younger girl with blonde hair and a similar face to his own. I assumed they were related. Probably his sister or something. Then there was one that stopped me in my tracks.

It was a picture of Nathan, Max and Jay, along with two other guys I'd never seen before. They were fairly attractive though. The picture resembled a photo shoot, which I found funny but figured it was intentional. Probably some kind of inside joke between themselves.

My thoughts were interrupted by someone clearing their throat. I turned to see Nathan, Jasmine and Ana staring at me.

"Oh hey creeps." I said, kinda startled.

"We're the creeps yet you're standing here staring at pictures of Nathan. Nice one doofus." Ana laughed at me and gave me a thumbs up.

"What? No! I wasn't like admiring them or anything jeez woman." I hoped I didn't look like a total creep.

"If you like those you should see the ones I don't put on the wall." Nathan winked at me and stuck his tongue out.

I rolled my eyes and followed him and the girls into the living room, where we were greeted by two boys sitting on the couch playing video games. Rather competitively if I might add.

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