Chapter 3- Buzz! Buzz!

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"What the fuck do you want" I responded groggily. I've never been a morning person and people shouting to wake me up certainly didn't help.

"Someone is in a good mood, anyway it's not even morning still. It's already half past noon." She said with hints of sarcasm and annoyance.

"Taco, I'm so tired! just give me like thirty minutes pleeeeease?" I pleaded.

I called Ana my taco because of one of our late night conversations. She, in return, called me taquito.Yes, we were quite strange.

"Nope. Not happening. Get up." she said firmly.

"Ugh. You realize I hate you right now, right?"

She scrunched her nose at me and stuck her tongue out. I threw my pillow at her as she walked out. Of course I missed and hit the wall.

I decided I should probably get up and shower. I walked to the bathroom and washed my face and brushed my long brown hair, I realized I still had my makeup on from the day before. I must admit, it's a terrible habit of mine.

After I finally showered and got dressed I walked out into the living room. Ana was sitting on the couch watching some terrible daytime television show and Jasmine was in the kitchen as usual.

"Both of you didn't have to work today?" I asked.

"No." they both responded almost in perfect unison.

"Well we should go do something. I feel like we hardly go out and do something all together." Honestly, we didn't get to go out much. Our schedules always conflicted and we pretty much only saw each other for an hour or two a day.

"Such as?" asked Ana with her eyebrow raised.

"Well I know you hate doing it but let's face it, we could all use some new clothes"

Ana sat there glaring at me as Jasmine put away the last few dishes she had just washed. I gave Ana my best puppy eyed look.

"UGH! Fine! I'll go. You know, it's a good thing I actually like you." she said firmly but jokingly.

I waited for Ana and Jasmine to get dressed. I was ready to go in my favorite pair of jeans, complete with a Harry Potter sweatshirt and my black converse. I heard two doors close and they both came out looking flawless as usual. Shit, I wish I could pull off the "just rolled outta bed and threw this old thing on" look. We turned off all the lights and locked the door and then we were on our way.

We went to the mall that was about half an hour away from us, which was actually a good idea, seeing as we had completely different styles. After what felt like hours of shopping, we were finally done and we soon realized we were hungry.

There weren't very many choices to pick from so we all just got McDonald's. After we sat down, I felt my phone vibrate. It was a text from Jay.

"Hey you. Are you intentionally trying to avoid me ? (;"

I responded with a simple "Perhaps" and a winky face.

"Who are you texting?" Jasmine said playfully.

"Oh, nobody." I replied, trying not to be too obvious. I don't know why but whenever I like someone, I don't really like to gush over them. Especially not to Ana and Jasmine. I would never hear the end of it.

Just then Ana decided to snatch my phone. To this day, she's probably the most sneaky person I know.

"IT'S FROM JAY! AW YOU GUYS ARE TOO ADORABLE ALREADY AND YOU AREN'T EVEN TOGETHER!" I'm pretty sure she shouted loud enough for the whole mall to hear.

"Ooo! lemme see !" said Jasmine.

Ugh. This is exactly what I knew would happen. Now I'm gonna have to talk about him. Great.

"So I see that there's quite a few texts here missy." Jasmine said suggestively.

"Well, that's what people do Jaz. They talk." I admit, I'm quite the smart ass but it's one of the many perks of being me.

"I have plenty of friends and I don't send them over five hundred text messages." she smirked.

"Whatever. I'm hungry." I replied and proceeded to take a bite of my burger.

"For Jay's D." mumbled Jasmine.

"JASMINE! WHAT THE HELL?!" I nearly choked on my food. Jasmine never made comments like that so I was quite shocked.

"Ahh but you didn't deny it." Ana chimed in.

"I don't, ok! Well alright, I suppose I like him a bit, but not in a sexual way! He's just a really cool guy and it's rare to meet a man that I can actually hold a conversation with." I tried to sound indifferent so they'd drop it but they knew better.

"There's more to it, isn't there?" asked Jasmine.

"Oh yeah, I know my little taquito is hiding something." Ana stated.

" There really isn't. Not everything about me is complicated." I teased.

They were right though. I didn't really feel like talking about it in front of a bunch of people though because I knew it would make me cry. I just felt like I wasn't good enough for him. He was breathtaking and here I was, just some

Plain Jane with nothing to offer besides all my anxiety and depression. I could feel myself getting emotional so I tried to change the subject.

We spent the rest of the time showing each other our purchases. Each of us had at least four bags, I guess we all kinda needed to splurge and buy ourselves something nice. Finals were coming up in all our classes and we were all stressing about it. My train of thought was interrupted by my phone vibrating. Oh great, another text from Jay. I didn't even bother to read the text before I turned my phone off. I just wanted to spend the rest of the day with my best friends, not thinking about him.

He was already driving me crazy and we hadn't even known each other for a week. I knew this was gonna be loads of fun...


Hey! Thanks to everyone that's reading my story. It really means a lot. Seriously, I wanna hug y'all.

Special thanks to a certain little individual named Ana for all the help she's given me (: I love ya !

I hope you enjoy the story so far! Stick around cause there's waaaaaaay more to come (;

K byeeeeeee <3


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