Chapter 21- Bam

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After the disappointing news about Melanie, I went back to my room to finish getting ready. After all, I wanted to look decent enough. Especially if I was going out with Melanie and Jasmine, who were both absolutely stunning.

When I was mid-curl, I heard Jasmine talking on the phone with someone. I didn't hear a name or anything but she sounded very...stern. She wasn't quite yelling but her tone was pretty serious. I couldn't quite make out what she was saying but I decided it was best to mind my own business and finish getting ready.

After what felt like hours, I was finally ready. I put on one last spray of perfume and walked out into the living room to wait for Jasmine. I didn't have to wait too long though.

She walked in the room and my jaw nearly dropped.

She looked amazing! Like, REALLY amazing!

"What?! Does this not match?? Should I go change?" she panicked.

"No! You just look really good like honestly, I'm gonna have to find a way home tonight cause someone is gonna take you home." I laughed.

"Stop it! Not even. Plus I would never leave you, unlike some people."

Ow. That one hurt.

I normally would've been upset about it but I could tell from the look on her face that she immediately regretted it.

"Well, that's why you're still here and others are not." I half-smiled.

I could tell she wanted to say something but most likely thought it best to keep it to herself, which I was grateful for.

"So where are we going exactly?" I changed the subject.

"Wouldn't you like to know." she grinned.

"Ugh, fine. Keep your secrets then." I rolled my eyes.

"Alright let's go, the cab is here." she urged me.

"Cab? You're not driving?" I asked, fairly confused.

"Hell no. I plan on getting derunk!" she replied, adding extra emphasis on the "derunk" part.

I chuckled and followed her out the door and into the cab.

Whatever events this night had in store for me, I was glad to have Jasmine by my side.


When we finally 'arrived at our destination', as the GPS put it, I was kinda shocked.

Jasmine, well the can driver actually, had brought us to some club that I didn't really recognize. It looked a bit shady to be honest, but I knew she wouldn't bring me somewhere that would get me killed.

After a mini war over who would pay the can fare, I eventually won and gave the driver his $45.

I stepped out carefully, not wanting to bust my ass in front of a bunch of people. There was a line to get in so I began trying to find the end of it.

"Where are you going?" Jasmine questioned.

"To the back of the line." I hesitated.

She laughed loudly and I thought she might pass out due to the lack of oxygen going to her brain.

"You're so cute sometimes. Follow me." she was still dying of laughter but I was able to make out what she was saying.

I hesitantly followed her towards the huge security guard at the entrance. They were talking rather vividly and I didn't wanna interrupt so I just stood to the side and tried not to make my presence known.

"Alright c'mon boo!" Jasmine grabbed my arm and dragged me into the club with her.

I could feel all the glaring beginning to sear a hole in my head. Along with such classy and elegant lines such as:



Honestly, people were so outrageous.

Once we entered the club, I immediately felt out of place. If I'd known we were gonna be going someplace so trendy, I would've dressed very differently.

We found an open table fortunately and sat down, waiting for Melanie.

"So, how did you get us in here so quickly?" I yelled over the music.

"I have work connections. My boss comes here all the time so I just mentioned his name and they let us in." she said.

Of course. Her boss was the answer to a lot of things nowadays. I was beginning to think they had something going on besides a work relationship.

"Mm... I should've known." I chuckled.

"For your information smart ass, we're just work friends. Plus he wouldn't be interested anyway...seeing as he's gay."

Well, that dilemma was solved rather quickly.

I looked up to take in my surroundings and that's when a new problem decided to creep up.

I saw Melanie making out heavily and getting handsy with some guy. Then I realized, it wasn't just some drunk stranger.

It was Jay.

I immediately felt like vomiting. I hadn't seen him in ages and now here he was. Just when I had begun to turn away and ask Jasmine if we could leave, I saw someone tackle Melanie to the ground and I recognized them immediately.




What the hell was Ana doing here?


Yes! I actually updated in a decent amount of time (:

I was super excited for this chapter and I hope you guys liked it :*

Thank you, thank you, thank you for all your reads & votes

You're the best.

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