Chapter 9- Surprise,Surprise

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I woke up the next morning with the world's biggest hangover. I had no idea how much alcohol I actually drank. I grabbed my phone off the nightstand to check the time and see if anyone texted me. Of course, there weren't any texts.

I managed to drag myself out of bed and into the kitchen to make myself some tea.

"Hey there Casanova." Ana greeted me cheerfully.

I simply grunted in reply.

"You drank more than I did. How aren't you as hungover as I am?" I asked groggily.

"I actually wasn't drunk. You didn't notice did you?" she replied, making herself a cup of tea as well.

"Notice what?" I groaned.

My head was pounding.

"I was drinking soda after we had those shots." she winked.

"Little shit. So you just let me be a drunkard by myself then?" I asked, as I finished making my tea.

"Whatever, you didn't need my drunk ass for making out with Max." she stated.

I choked on my tea. I had forgotten all about Max and the kiss.

"How did you find out about that?" I asked, looking down.

Now that I wasn't drunk, I thought about how that must've made him feel. I know how much it hurt me. I felt my eyes starting to water so I tried to blink the tears away.

"I saw you. He was pretty cute, a bunch of girls were staring at y'all. Must've been jealous bitches that he turned down throughout the night." she stated as she sat down on the couch.

I went and sat next to her so we could keep our conversation going.

"Yeah, probably." I said blankly.

"It should've been Jay though and you know it. I'm not saying this to be a bitch, but you clearly need to hear it. Just because he hurt you, doesn't give you the right to do the same to him. You guys both care about each other and if you wanna make this work then you need to stop doing this." she scolded.

She was right.

"I know. I regret it, a lot. I don't know how to fix it though." I replied, I felt the familiar lump in my throat.

Jasmine walked in the door just as I finished what I was saying.

"Hey guys, I see you're both awake now." she yelled, walking towards us with a smile.

"Oh god jasmine please don't yell." I mumbled.

She chuckled and handed me some migraine medication from her purse.

"How did you-" She cut me off.

"Ana told me about last night and how drunk you were. I also heard about a kiss?" She asked with one eyebrow raised.

"Uh, yeah. Ana and I were just talking about it." I replied, attempting to swallow the pills Jasmine gave me.

"Well you already know that you need to fix it. I think you should just tell him about your feelings for him." she said as she sat down with us.

"That's much easier said than done." I stated simply.

"Well if you were able to make out with one of his friends, I'm sure you'll be able to tell him you like him." Jasmine said harshly. She was upset with me, she knew that I knew better but did it anyway.

"Ok, well I guess I'll text him and ask to meet for lunch or something." I sighed.

"Damn right you will." Ana stared at me.

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