Chapter 23- Acceptance

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The next morning was actually pretty nice. It was sunny but not overbearingly so, it was just the right amount. Of course it would be so uplifting when I had to go do something so upsetting.

I still wasn't sure how I was gonna tell Max about my true feelings. It was all much easier said than done. Yes, I had always had strong feelings for Jay but that didn't mean I didn't also have feelings for Max. Like I said, he was there for me and was always so attentive towards my feelings and troubles.

I wanted to wait until later that day so that I could gather my thoughts and hopefully be able to word myself correctly.

I wasn't very hungry so I just went to the kitchen and made myself some coffee. After fixing it to my liking I went into the living room to find something entertaining on tv. Of course there was nothing interesting so I just resumed my coffee sipping and deep thinking.

There was some noise coming from the kitchen so I knew Jasmine or Ana must be awake. Thank God. I heard "Hey There Delilah" start to play and I knew that it was Jasmine making all the noise. She was in love with the song and had recently set it as her ringtone.

Based on her tone, she was talking to someone important. I thought it best not to interrupt her intense conversation.

She hung up and came into the living room with a cup of tea. Her face had annoyance written all over it.

"Morning. What was all that about?" I asked before taking yet another sip of my coffee.

"My parents. They were asking about school again. I keep them updated with everything so I have no idea why they're treating me like a freakin kid." she huffed.

"Because they're your parents, that's what they do Jasmine." I stated and realized that may have sounded harsh.

"I know, it's just annoying is all. Anyway have you decided what you're gonna tell him?" she questioned.

I nearly choked on my drink, how did Jasmine even know about it?!

" Jasmine how did yo-"

"Dude you and Ana are loud. Plus I'm not dumb, I can put two and two together. Don't avoid the question." she stated.

I nodded and chose a patch of the floor to keep my eyes on so that I didn't get too upset or anything. "Honestly, I have no fucking clue. He's really a great guy, he doesn't deserve this and I feel like shit knowing that I'm basically leaving him for one of his best friends."

"Well, you guys aren't official or anything so that'll make it easier honestly. Plus like Ana said, I'm pretty sure he knows. He's probably just hoped this day wouldn't be for a while." she replied.

I chewed my nails nervously, which really sucked because I hadn't done it in quite some time. " You're right. I think I should just be honest with him about everything. He deserves that much at least."

"Whatever happens and whatever you decide to do, I'll be here for support. Ana too." she ruffled my hair.

"Thanks boo. I should probably go shower and change. I wanted to wait until later this evening but I might as well go now. Especially cause I think I know what to say." I sighed and got off the couch. Jasmine smiled at me and kept drinking her tea.

I've always loved taking showers, they're just so therapeutic. Seriously, most of my problems were solved in the shower. I'm not sure why but my thoughts became much clearer. Maybe because it's just you and the shower, nothing else to cloud your judgement. Plus, it's what I usually do when I'm upset, which is a lot. I'd been able to learn to control my anxiety and depression but of course they still played a part in my life. Not many people knew about my problems, actually, there were only three people that knew everything. Ana, Jasmine and Jay.

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