Chapter 12- Time To Shine

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It was another boring day at work, just a continuous routine of filing,typing, and answering phones.

Like I said before, I had hoped I'd be working with music a little bit at this point. After all, I did happen to work for one of the biggest music companies in the industry.

The phone rang, it was my boss.

"Hey Sally, can you come in? I wanna talk to you." he said cheerfully.

I made a face. David never asked to talk to me, maybe I was being let go. Great... just what I needed.

"Uh sure I'll be there in a second."

"Great!" he yelled. Wow, he was enthusiastic.

I put away one last file and made my way towards his office. I gave myself a pep talk and prepared for the worst as I opened the door.

He turned his chair to face the door and grinned so hard I thought his face might tear. "Ah! Just the person I wanted to see right now. Come in, sit down !"

I walked towards his desk, which took longer than one may think, his office was huge. I mean, c'mon, the man had multiple fish tanks in there.

"You look lovely today." he smiled.

"Oh, thank you!" I blushed.

"So, you're probably wondering why I'm so excited to speak with you." he responded after placing a mint in his mouth.

I nodded, not wanting to interrupt him or anything.

"When I interviewed you for this job, you mentioned wanting to become a musician, am I correct?" he asked, with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, in fact, I believe it was one of the first things I mentioned." I replied nervously.

"Well, I want to help you. Now, I can't just give you a record deal on the spot. You're gonna have to show me that you deserve it. Which brings me to my next point. I called you in here because there happens to be an open-mic night at the Polka Dot Lounge later tonight. I figure, it could be your chance to show me what you're made of." he smirked.

My jaw dropped and I was in such a state of shock.

"A-a-are you serious?!" I gasped, holding my hand over my mouth.

He chuckled, making his cheeks turn bright red. "Yes, very. You work hard and you're dedicated so I can only assume you have the same work ethics towards your music. I'm willing to take a chance on you."

"Thank you so much, you won't regret it. I promise!" I smiled and shook his hand.

He gave me all the information I needed and sent me back to work.

This was it, my chance to make it all happen for myself.


I rushed home right after work and started getting ready.

Ana and Jasmine were both home and exchanged strange glances as I ran inside the house.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Jasmine yelled.

"You didn't even bother to say hi, fucker." Ana shouted.

I walked out of my room and back into the living room.

"Sorry, I'm just so nervous and excited. My boss is giving me a chance at a possible record deal so I'm freaking out and I can't find anyt-"

Jasmine stopped me by covering my mouth mid-sentence.

"Stop. Breathe. Ana and I will help you, ok." She comforted me.

"Trust me, we'll pick the perfect outfit. Go take a shower and we'll take care of the rest." Ana shoved me towards the bathroom.

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