Chapter 10- What If ?

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It had been weeks since he told me about Kelsey. I still hadn't met her either. Not that I was looking forward to it or anything.

Even though I had to hide how I truly felt about his new relationship, our friendship certainly grew from it.

I think maybe because there wasn't any awkward thoughts about what we really were. We'd always had that connection but I guess he liked Kelsey better.

From what he told me about her, she was pretty successful. She had her own business that she ran with her best friend and she was a singer in her free time.

Of course. I couldn't help but feel like he chose someone very similar to me just to make it hurt even worse.

Even though I really liked him, I wanted him to be happy. And if Kelsey Ann was who made him happy, then so be it.


"Ok, so exactly what is this movie about?" I asked, chewing my popcorn.

"Christ on a bike! I've only said it about four times!" Jay shouted at me in frustration.

"Yes, well you tend to make things more elaborate and complicated. So just give me a basic plot." I responded impatiently.

"Ugh, fine. Basically it's a bunch of fascinating blue people running around and doing all sorts of cool things. They fight a war with humans and well, you'll have to watch it to see how it ends." he rushed, pushing his messy curls out of his face.

"Ok...let's hop to it then princess." I grinned, my voice heavily sarcastic. I was always such a smart ass around him.

"Yes! You won't regret it! I know you'll love it" he smiled. Even though we were just good friends now, he still made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside with little things that he did.

We sat and watched Avatar without making a noise. He made a big deal about paying attention because otherwise I'd "get so lost and ruin it". His words exactly...

I have to admit, it was a truly fascinating movie. Of course, I'd never admit that to his face.

After we were done watching it, I went to go put on another movie. I was stopped by Jay pulling me back down onto the couch.

"What's that for?" I asked, dumfounded.

"Nothing, I just figured we could sit and talk. We haven't done that in a while." he said, looking at me with puppy dog eyes.

"Oh...yeah, I suppose that'd be nice." I replied, adjusting myself so that I was sitting towards him.

"So how've you been?" he asked, sitting with his legs crossed like a child.

"Erm, good actually. Work is great. Been pretty busy at work actually. David, my boss, is planning some big party and I'm helping him pick things out like catering and such. Just the joys of being a secretary at a big, fancy company." I sighed. Work was good, I just wasn't getting anywhere with the goals I set for myself. I figured I would be working more with music by now... not excel spread sheets.

He just stared at me and listened to what I had to say. He looked fascinated, I wasn't sure by what though. I didn't say anything interesting or eventful.

"That's good." He said blankly, his eyes shifting around the room.

"What? I know there's something you wanna say. Just spit it out." I chuckled.

"Do you remember that one time at Ricardo's when we were talking about when you first moved here? And, you gave me some random answer..." he asked nervously.

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