Chapter 7- Three Blind Mice

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I cried for what felt like hours. Every time I got the courage to come out of my room, I saw him all over again. The girl was so beautiful with her long, curly blonde hair. I didn't quite see her face but from what I saw she was quite pretty. Just the kind of girl he deserved.

There was a knock on my door and I grunted to let them know I wasn't dead. I already knew it was Jasmine and Ana. I still didn't feel like talking, shit, I could barely think about it without crying.

I felt pathetic crying over someone who was never even mine.

I heard the door open and buried myself in my blankets. Even though they were my best friends, I still didn't like people seeing me cry.

"Ok, do you mind telling us what's wrong? You've been in here for two hours. Clearly something happened." Ana asked carefully as she sat down on the edge of the bed. Jasmine was standing in the door with some tissues.

I sat up and adjusted myself so that I was facing them. Jasmine walked towards me and handed me the box of Kleenex I had by my bed.

"Well, I went to the movies with Melanie and she got sick about halfway through. So we walked out and headed towards the car and..." I felt a lump rising in my throat from trying to hold in my tears.

"Jay was there." I somehow managed to get out.

"Really?! Did you guys talk??" Jasmine practically ran to sit down next to Ana.

"Uh no. He was uh-busy. I think his tongue down some girls mouth was pretty time consuming." my voice cracked and I started sobbing. It felt worse having to say it out loud.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry, I know you really liked him. God, what a dick." Ana said, while scooting closer to me to give me a hug.

" I picked the wrong day to start a new job. Shit." Jasmine stated.

Oh yeah, that reminds me. Jasmine found a new job as a personal assistant to some big fancy doctor. She seemed quite content with that job actually.

"I just feel so stupid. I fell so hard for him. I guess I'll never fucking learn. This happens every time. I feel so stupid crying over someone who clearly doesn't give a shit about me." I spat angrily. I felt the tears running down my face but I just didn't bother with them.

Ana and Jasmine started hugging me from both sides. I had a pretty big bed so we all fit comfortably.

"You deserve better than that. He knew you liked him, you made it fairly obvious and he ju-" I cut her off.

"Yeah I know. You don't have to state the obvious Jaz." I said coldly.

"Sorry." she replied quickly.

"Um, why don't we go do something? Like go out to eat maybe?" Ana asked. She was so cute, always trying to make us happy.

"I don't really feel like going out. I look like shit Ana." I replied raspily. My throat was killing me after so much crying.

"Why don't we order from that Chinese place that you like? We'll stay at home and watch movies. How does that sound?" Jasmine asked.

"Ok, that sounds good actually. I suppose I should get out of bed then huh?" I chuckled.

They both smiled and helped me out from under my sheets. Jasmine got on the phone and started ordering. We had gotten food from there so many times that she already knew what we wanted.

While she was busy talking, I stopped Ana in the hallway.

"I just wanted to say thanks for bein there. I know it took a lot to not,you know, yell at me when I said I was with Melanie." I whispered.

Let me explain. Ana and Melanie weren't particularly fond of each other. I never really knew why but I knew it drove Ana crazy when I was with Mel. I tried not to mention them to one another.

"It's fine. Honestly, I didn't even care. You're one of my best friends so you're my priority. Not that bi-... Not her." she whispered quickly.

"FOOD SHOULD BE HERE IN THIRTY MINUTES!" Jasmine shouted from the living room.

Ana and I giggled excitedly. We both really enjoyed eating, I have no idea how we weren't morbidly obese.

We ran into the living room and jumped onto the couch. Jasmine had already picked a movie out.

"What are we watching?" I asked excitedly.

"One of your favorite movies." Jasmine replied with a wink.

I stared at her curiously and wondered what the hell she had put on. The menu came on about two minutes later. SHE PUT ON STEP-BROTHERS!! It was probably my favorite movie of all time.

Jasmine grabbed the remote and sat down on the couch next to Ana and me. She pushed play and we started watching the best movie ever.

About twenty minutes into the movie, our food arrived. Jasmine got up and payed the delivery boy for our food. She took longer than usual due to her flirting session with him. Ana crept up behind her and snatched our food. About five minutes later Jasmine came and sat down.

She was quite the flirt, people just seemed to really like Jasmine. I don't blame them, she's pretty fuckin awesome.

We sat around eating and cackling. I was having a good time but that image just kept creeping up in my mind. I tried to push it away but the harder I fought it, the worse it got.

I'd had enough and decided to imagine that he never even existed. I wanted to forget about him and everything we could've been. Maybe we just weren't meant to be. Even the most perfect couples split up. I think that was the saddest thing-we were never together.

And now we never would be.


So this was a pretty big filler chapter. I'm feeling ill so I hope that doesn't effect my writing too much.

Thanks for reading and voting!


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