Chapter 8- The Kiss

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I woke up the next morning on top of Ana. Not in a creepy, sexual way! Jasmine was asleep with half of her body on the couch and the other half sprawled out on the floor.

I tried not to make too much noise when I got up. They didn't get to sleep much so I wanted to leave them alone. I decided to make breakfast for the two messes on the couch.

It took me about half an hour to finish everything. When I was done I yelled at the girls obnoxiously.

"WAKEY-WAKEY MOTHA FUCKAS!" I was quite obnoxious. I really don't know why they stuck around.

"Bitch. It's too early for this." Ana grunted.

"Uhh, you realize it's one thirty in the afternoon right?" I stated, while piling bacon onto a plate.

"You let us sleep that long?" Jasmine groaned.

"Yeah, you'll thank me later. I made breakfast so get your asses up and get some." I stated cheerfully.

They both got up and dragged one another to the kitchen. I handed them their plates-I already knew what they wanted, I mean, when you live with someone for two years you figure these things out.

I grabbed my bowl of cereal and made my way towards the table to join them. They were both shoving piles of food into their mouths, it was pretty unappetizing.

"What?" Ana asked with her mouth full.

"Nothing. You're just so beautiful when you talk with your mouth full my dear." I stated, while taking a bite of my cereal.

"Well it's a good thing I'm not trying to impress you, darling." she said. I could see the sarcasm dripping from her mouth, actually it was probably maple syrup.

I simply chuckled and continued eating my food. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and checked for any texts or missed calls, there weren't any of course. The two people I talked to the most were sitting at the table with me.

I guess I could've considered Jay to be one of the people I always talked to but he hadn't texted or called me at all since we last spoke. I couldn't even remember the last time we talked to be honest.

Not that it mattered. I needed a distraction, he wouldn't get out of my head. Then I had an idea.

"So, what are you guys up to today?" I asked.

"I have to go to work, Ted needs me to go in today." Jasmine answered while taking her plate to the kitchen.

"Who the hell is Ted?" Ana asked.

"My boss. Who else?" Jasmine stated.

"Oh so you're on a first name basis now?" I asked, wiggling my eyebrows suggestively.

"I-um. Whatever, it's not a big deal." she said quickly.

Ana and I laughed while Jasmine started blushing. Jasmine was so cute when she liked someone, she was like a little schoolgirl.

"What about you Princess Peach?" I turned and asked Ana.

"I just have to go turn in my final for my writing class." she responded.

"Well how does going out tonight sound?" I asked hopefully.

"I'll probably be at work late. Ted needs me to do a lot of stuff for him." Jasmine sighed.

"Oh yeah, all kinds of stuff huh Jaz?" I teased.

She just stuck her tongue out at me and started playing on her phone.

"What say you Ana?" I asked, trying to sound like a pirate.

"Oh god, fine. Just don't do that voice again." she said while cringing.

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