Chapter 6- Wolf In Sheep's Clothing

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It was at least a week before he texted me or made any sort of contact. I didn't want to text him first because I still thought I did something to make him want to leave. Basically all I did was wait around hoping I didn't ruin anything.


I opened my phone to see a text from Jay. I tried to play it cool so that I didn't make a fool of myself.

"Hello my vertically challenged friend (:"

"Hey there stranger. Hope you've been good, it's been what? Two years? :P"

"Yeah, about that. I'm sorry for leaving you there. I hope you understand and don't hate me too much." He seemed genuinely sorry, I know you can't really interpret emotions while texting but I really think he meant it.

"It's fine! I only stayed there another five minutes or so. Thanks for paying for lunch. You should really let me do something for you every once in a while you know (;"

"Nah, I like you being in debt to me. It's like a form of blackmail and I'm not giving it up that easily. Plus you don't owe me anything so hush."

"-_______- whatever."

He didn't text me back so I just went about my day.

I had just taken all my finals for my college classes so, I didn't have any schoolwork to do. My boss had called earlier and told me I didn't need to come in. Thank god.

Jasmine and Ana both had to work so I couldn't just hang out with them. I figured I'd call one of my other friends, Melanie. I actually hadn't talked to her in a long time, maybe getting together to hang out would be nice.

I called her up and we decided to go see a movie. The new Monsters Inc. movie had just come out and we were both huge fans of the first movie so we figured we'd both like this one too.

I changed into some jeans and traded my slippers for some converse. I didn't look half bad actually.

I told her I would pick her up so I started driving to her apartment. We only lived about twenty minutes away from each other so it wasn't that big of a deal.

I got to her apartment much faster than I anticipated. I honked the horn to let her know I was there.

Of course she came out looking flawless as usual. What was it with all my friends that made them so beautiful all the time. Lucky bitches.

She walked towards my car with her long black curls bouncing everywhere. Her makeup was done perfectly and she looked adorable with her Monsters Inc. t-shirt on.

" What's up you sexy bitch!" she shouted and greeted me with a bear hug.

"Not much, just school and work. Yourself?" At that point, we were hugging each other so hard that I thought one of us was gonna turn purple.

"Eh, same old routine. I just stay at home all day. It's quite boring to be honest." she sighed.

Melanie was an entrepreneur so she owned her own business and did whatever she wanted. I was never really sure what she did but I think she mostly answered phones. She also did makeup on the side-that's why her makeup was always perfect.

"Aw I'm sorry dear. Well I hope I don't bring more boredom to your day. Let's go see this shit now!" I was pretty excited for the movie actually. I had been waiting almost ten years for this! I wasn't gonna let anything get in my way.

She agreed and hopped in the car. The entire ride there was lively. I had turned the radio on and we had our own karaoke session. I almost missed my turn to get into the parking lot at the theatre but luckily I spotted it in time.

There was quite a few open spaces so I chose the one closest to the elevator. Melanie practically jumped out of the car once I parked. She dragged me along with her so we could hurry and get to the theatre.

We eventually reached the entrance and bought our tickets. After we got out tickets, we ran towards the concession stand to get some popcorn and soda. I paid for my soda and ran into the theatre. I was beyond excited !!


About halfway through the movie, Melanie nudged me and told me she didn't feel well. I knew it was because of all her soda chugging and popcorn eating but I decided it wasn't the time for 'I told you so'. I walked her out of the theatre and into the lobby as carefully as I could. I was scared she might vomit on someone. That's when I saw him.

Like I've said before, Jay is pretty easy to spot. Especially when his tongue is down someone's throat.

Normally I would've lost my shit but I had Melanie with me and she needed to get home. I walked faster so he didn't see us-I couldn't look him in the eyes without crying.

I managed to make it to the car without being spotted by him. He probably wouldn't have noticed anyway.

I hurried Melanie home and walked her into her apartment. I said goodbye to her and left as quickly as possible. I know it was rude to just leave her there but I just needed to be alone for a while.

When I finally got home I headed straight to my room without saying a word to Ana and Jasmine. I felt the tears falling down my face and I didn't feel like explaining anything to them.

How could I be so stupid? I never should have trusted him. I hated everything about him, his laugh, his hair, his smile- I couldn't take it anymore. What made it worse was that I knew deep down... I didn't hate him.

Not even a little, not at all.


Plot twist my muchachos! (; did you guys see that coming or what?

Once again thank you for reading and voting for my story, it really does mean a lot.

Until next time! Byeeeeeee Xx

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