Chapter 22- Resolution

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"Oh fuck!" I hoped out of my seat and started running towards Melanie and Ana.

"What, oh shit!" Jasmine yelled, finally realizing what was happening.

I was already pretty far ahead of Jasmine. There was a bunch of people in the club so it felt like the fight was miles away. My arms felt like I had just rowed myself from another country, thanks to all the shoving I had to do. People were crowding around instead of trying to break it up, which made things a lot harder than they needed to be. Of course, I saw Jay standing there cluelessly. He was never very good with confrontational scenarios. But he wasn't my main concern at the moment. With one last forceful shove, I was in front of Melanie and Ana.

Boy, it was ugly.

Ana may have been rather small, but that didn't stop her from beating Melanie's ass. I watched her fists pound Melanie's face over and over again. Melanie had no chance in hell against Ana. I had seen enough of this and I needed to put an end to it.

I braced myself as I shuffled over to Ana carefully, after all, her fists were kind of flying everywhere at this point- I wasn't trying to get punched in the face. I grabbed her around the waist and picked her up off of Melanie.

"GET THE FUCK OFF ME DAMMIT!" Ana screeched. She was kicking me and trying to pry my hands off of her, she was actually doing pretty well but Jasmine grabbed her legs and helped me carry her away.

She started digging her nails into my arms and scratching the hell out of me, kinda like a cat when they're fighting another cat.

"Dammit Ana stop it! I'm trying to help you for fuck sake!" I jerked her and hoped it would work. Thankfully, it did.

We dragged her outside into the cold air, which I knew she wasn't too happy about. She never really liked the cold. Jasmine let go of her legs and tried to chase down a cab for us. I let go of Ana's waist and just held onto her arm.

"You should've let me stay and beat her ass." she grumbled. I just sighed and tightened my grip a bit.

Even though Melanie had pretty much ruined our friendship, I still cared about her. So I didn't really want Ana to beat her to a pulp.

Jasmine whistled at us and told us to come over to her. I was basically guiding Ana along, she was dragging her feet and I could hear her breath still sort of ragged. Which I figured was from her adrenaline being so high and all.

We sat in the cab so that Ana was in the middle. She just sat silently with her arms crossed. Jasmine was shaking her head and most likely mentally scolding Ana.

I found it kinda funny that even though the three of us were in an awkward spot with one another, I still knew them so well.

Jasmine had asked the cab driver to take us back to our place. To which, Ana made a face. Probably because it had been a while since the three of us were there altogether.

That was the most silent cab ride I've ever been on.


Once we got back to our house, I got out first and searched for my keys so we could hurry and get inside. Ana and Jasmine were behind me, both of them looking rather done with life.

I finally unlocked the door and went straight to my room so I could change clothes. I loved getting all dressed up but, sweat pants and t-shirts were just perfection to me. After I was done changing I grabbed some clothes for Ana. They were gonna be a little big on her but they'd have to do.

Most people probably would've gone to bed as soon as they got home but my mind was wide awake. There was quite a few things to comprehend at the moment. However, one thought really stood out. The sight of Melanie all over Jay.

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