Chapter 15 - Not Again

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It had been about a month since I last talked to Jay. I was actually surprised that I managed to stay away from him that long. It was quite a big step for me to be quite honest. The first week or so was pure agony.

I mean, I couldn't give in. He needed to take me seriously, if I started talking to him again, he would know exactly how much power he has over me.

I couldn't let that happen.

So I just tried to manage day to day life and like I said, it got easier. Especially with all the help Ana and Jasmine gave me. They knew how hard it was for me so they tried making my life well, enjoyable.

Actually, there was another person that slowly but surely made me happier.


After we got drunk and ended up making out at the club, we exchanged numbers. But, I never really had an excuse to talk to him.

He was actually a pretty fun guy. You know, when he wasn't drunk and sticking his tongue in my mouth. We never talked about Jay which made things much easier.

Max also never just left me places without any explanation.

But, it was fairly obvious he wanted more than friendship. He constantly called me gorgeous or gave me some weird pet name. On more than one occasion he tried to make a move but, I guess I'm pretty good at making people go away.

Just look at the whole situation with Jay.


Over the period of time that I didn't talk to Jay, I managed to become busier with work.

It seemed like I never had any down time, except for my lunch hour obviously. Which I usually spent with one of my co-workers.

But... not today.

Max had asked me earlier in the week if I would be willing to go with him to lunch. I had said no but after about ten minutes of arguing with myself, I decided maybe it would be best to go.

Unfortunately, I ended up taking way longer than I thought to finish my work for the day. I turned in one last report and made the journey all the way from my desk to my car.

I figured it would be a good idea to call Max and decide where we were going. I took my phone out of my purse and dialed his number. He answered almost immediately.

"Sally hi!" he chirped.

Wow, he was happy.

I made a face and I was thankful he couldn't see me. " Hey Max, sorry I'm late. I had a whole bunch of work assigned to me today and it's taken me ages just to get halfway through."

He laughed in response.

"What?" I asked suspiciously.

"Nothing, you're just adorable sometimes you know that? Well, seeing as you no longer have a full hour, we should probably go somewhere close by."

His tone changed a bit, as if he was disappointed or something. I decided to just ignore it. You would think I'd learn to stop doing that but, that's just how I handled things.

"Yeah okay there's a Chinese fast food type of place like two or three blocks away from me. That sound good?" I asked, fiddling with my keys.

I heard a bunch of shuffling around on the other end, it sounded like he dropped his phone or something.

Clumsy ass.

" What? Oh yeh sure I'll be there in like twenty minutes." his accent was so thick, sometimes I could hear half of what he said. I enjoyed it though. It was different.

I laughed and agreed with him. He was such an idiot sometimes. Due to the amount of time I spent sitting there, the car turned itself off so I had to restart it before driving away.

I was actually sort of...excited.


When I got there he was already waiting inside. Damn, he looked good. I mean, he pretty much always did but, it seemed as if he put a little extra effort into his look.

Of course, he was completely involved in his phone and didn't even notice me standing there. I swear, he was always on that damn thing.

I rolled my eyes and decided it was time to get his attention. I cleared my throat and raised my voice about three octaves, trying to sound like a California valley girl.

" Hi, could you help me find my friend? He's balding and stands at about five foot three. You seen him?" I tried really hard to not die of laughter.

He looked startled at first but once he realized it was me, he seemed to relax quite a bit.

" Nah, haven't seen him at all. Maybe you can help me find my friend though, she's really fuckin short and kinda hot. Actually she's pretty fit. If I could I would totally fu-"

I shoved his shoulder and rolled my eyes. He made me do that a lot. The whole eye rolling thing.

"I worry about you sometimes George. What it must be like in that mind of yours." I said sarcastically, as usual.

He raised his eyebrow and bit his lip. "Oh it's quite nice this time of year babe."

We spent the next few minutes teasing each other like we normally would. He would've gone on for a while if I didn't stop him and make him order.

I took one last look over the lunch specials they offered and that's when I glanced over and saw it.

Oh god, please no.

Not now, seriously, out of all the food establishments within fifty miles...

Why the fuck did James McGuiness have to choose this one?


Haaaai !

I've been super friggin busy lately with school and other stuff.

Erm, I hope you guys like this chapter.

You probably all wanna kill me cause I update like every two years.

I'm sorry ! I really will try to update sooner , especially cause this one kinda ended with a cliff hanger (;

Thank you once again for all your reads and votes! It means the world (:

Alright, that's it .

I'll be gone now ...


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