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Katya POV

The ride back to Jo's house was practically silent. She said nothing, i said nothing. I was trying to rack my brain to find something to say but nothing seemed right. She told me i was ruining her family and i knew she was right. The awkwardness was much more than i could handle.

"Are you coming in?" Jo asked as i parked up outside her house. She unbuckled her seatbelt, looking at me. "I'm going to study with a friend and Dad C is at work." She adds, smiling lightly at me.

I smile back at her. I unbuckle my seatbelt and follow her into her house. She opens the door with her keys. "Dad! I'm home! And Uncle Brian's with me!" She calls.

I hear running down the stairs and suddenly Brian is standing before me. "Hi." He grins. "Been a while." He quickly hugs me. "Erm, hi." He was being weird, but not weird-weird, more Brian-weird. Acting strange in a normal way.

We both look at Jo. "I just came to get my books and things. I'll see you at dinner, yeah? Bye." And just like that, Brian and I are alone.

We stare at each other. We're standing by the front door, staring at each other in silence.

Normally i'd be the one to break it. I'd be the one who would say I wanted to talk, or we needed to talk or i had something to say. But this time, for the first time ever, Brian said "We need to talk." He held his hand out, grabbing mine and leading me towards his couch.

I still wasn't talking. I let him lead me. His hands were soft. I liked holding them.

"What are we doing?" He said openly, confidently. "What are we really doing, Brian?"

"I don't understand." I said, playing with my hands. I didn't want for feel awkward. I didn't want to feel strange. I wanted to be Brian and Brian again. It's all i've ever wanted.

"You do understand." He huffs, running his hand through his hair. "Chris- Chris and i..."

"What?" I ask.

"He, we... we're on a break."

My eyes widen. I suddenly get a very anxious feeling in my stomach. I start to feel a little sick. "What does that mean... a break?"

"We're not divorced but we aren't together right now." I look down at him playing with his wedding ring. "Last night. We spoke for hours. We have a love for each other, we always will. His Mums feeling unwell now. I guess his aunt being crazy ill made his mum feel awful too. He's staying in Connecticut for a while... a long while. 3-6 months-ish; with spaces in between, to see Jo and all. So we decided... well we decided that while we're apart, we'll be apart." He says this all with a mix of emotions.

"Jo? Does she know? Is she okay? She loves Chris more than anything."

"Summer starts in 3 weeks. She'll go out to him whenever she wants to. She knows that. We're both still her parents. That'll never change."

Everything seemed fine. I racked my brain trying to find something wrong. Nothing was wrong. Jo was coping and i was planning on making her happy when i could, I was only casually dating so i wasn't tied down and finally, for the first time 12 years, Brian was single.

I smile. "So... Jo's happy?"

"Jo's happy."

"Chris is okay?"

"It was his idea."

"You're single... for now?"

"I'm single... for now." He bites his lip. "I just really want to be with you right now, Brian. I just want to-"

I throw myself onto him. I straddle on to his lap, throwing my legs around him. My lips attack his. His hands grab my back and he plays with my shirt, his hands rubbing under it. I've never felt this feeling before. This unguilty, loving kiss. I've never realised how soft his lips were before. He pulls away from me and smiles, looking up into my eyes. I let myself fall more comfortably on him, my head rests on his chest and my legs lay outwards onto the sofa.

"Is this real?" I ask.


"I hope so." I feel a peck on my forehead. "Brian?" He asks. I close my eyes as i rested on his chest. "Hm."

"Will you be my boyfriend?"

I've never gotten what i wanted. I've never been the happy one in the equation. But right now, as Brian held me in his arms while we watched Teen Mom, i was happy. We were spooning in his bed, he was holding onto my waist as i curled into his self made mould.

I turn around to face him. "When does Jo come home?" I ask.


"Does she know you were going to do this?"

"I think she had a strong feeling," he smiled, "She just wants Chris and I to be happy. She doesn't care how or who makes us happy; she just wants us happy."

"And are you?" I tilt my head upwards to get a better look of Brian's face. I grin when i see a smile form. "I'm really happy." I say. "It happened fast. I mean, not fast, sudden. 19 years too late if you ask me. But like i didn't expect it to happy today, you understand? Like who even knew you and Chris had split up?! That's crazy. If i knew you were gonna have me today i would've worn nicer clothes and sexy lingerie-"

"-you have sexy lingerie?" He interrupts.

"Black, lacy, really fucking hot."

"Shit." He mumbles, licking his bottom lip. I laugh. "Don't laugh at me! You're really hot and you turn me on. I can say that now because you're my boyfriend." He winks at me.

I blush. I lean in and kiss him. His lips were so soft... have i said that already? "I'm so happy." I say, my lips hovering over his.

"You have no idea." He says, crashing his lips back onto mine.

Ten years- sequel to 'otp' {trixya}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang