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Katya POV

"Remember when i first met Chris? We were running around your old apartment really nervous and stressed? That's how i feel right now." I mumble. It was 1:36, Jo and Chris said they'd be here around 2.

"Don't worry. You're stressing for no reason." He mumbles as he plumps the throw pillows. "He's still just... Chris? I don't know, it's nothing new." He adds.

"What if he like punches me? He obviously hates me."

"He doesn't hate you." He replies.

"Of course he does! I stole his man!" I throw my hands up in the air. "He's totally gonna punch me. Oh my god! Do you think he's turned Jo against me while she was gone? She hates me, doesn't she? I split her whole family up! Fuck!" I cry.

"Brian! Shut the fuck up!" He taunts, running around the living room, fixing couch pillows and moving things about.

"Why are you cleaning so much?" I cross my arms and pout. "He doesn't deserve to see a clean house."

"You're acting like a child. Just be yourself and he'll be himself. We'll keep the disagreements to ourselves, yes?" He walks towards me. "It'll be fine. Plus, if he comes for you, i'll like... kick him in the balls or something." He shrugs, falling onto my lap.

"Hey, i have a question." I say as he throws his arms around my neck.

"Hm?" He hums.

"Is his dick bigger than mine?"

"They're here! Fuck! They're here!" I shout to Brian who was in the bathroom. "Brian! Hurry! They're here!" I shout again as the doorbell rings repeatedly. "Brian!" He still doesn't come out.

"Shit." I mutter to myself. I guess i was going to greet them. I slowly walk towards the door, preparing myself to face Chris and the awkwardness that's going to come along with it. I open the door, taking a deep breath before i do so. I plaster an extremely fake smile onto my face; "Chris! Jo!" I greet happily.

Chris's face is emotionless. I notice a hatred coming from his eyes and pouring into mine but i choose to believe that's my doubt and anxiety speaking for me. He doesn't smile back at me or say hello. I turn to look at Jo, who was (thankfully!) grinning. "Jo!" I repeat, equally as cheery. "Hey!" I pull her into my arms, giving her the biggest hug i could let myself give. Her hug back was equally as big and supportive.

Before i was about to let them in, they both walked into the house. They dropped their coats and bags on the side and walked straight to the living room, falling onto the couch.

It wasn't my place to invite them in or treat them like guests. If anything, I was the guest in their house. Not the other way around.

"Where dad?" Jo asks. She was still the only one of the two talking. Chris hadn't said a word to me since they had arrived.

"I'm here!" We all turn to see Brian running into the room. "Sorry, was just sorting some things out." He mumbles out of breath. He walks towards the couch, to Chris and Jo. He first hugs Jo, picking her off of the ground as he does so. She groans from the tightness of it. "I missed you." He says in defence.

I hold my breath as i watch him turn to face Chris. Although i know they've met since Brian and I have gotten together, this was the first time it had happened in front of me. "Hey, hon." Brian hugs Chris, they quickly peck the side of each other lips. It was a friendly 'ex' gesture, i told myself to not think much of it.

"Anyone want a drink?" He asks. Everyone shakes their heads no, so he falls onto the couch opposite the one that Jo and Chris were sat on. "How was Connecticut? And your grandparents?" Brian asks Jo.

"They were great. They asked about you, right dad?" Jo's knee sways towards Chris' hitting it slightly.

"What?" He was day dreaming. Apparently the kick from Jo's knee bought him back to life. "Sorry." He adds.

"Grandma and Grandpa asked about Dad." Jo presses, obviously adding some colour to the story. They may have asked once or twice, maybe not at all. But Jo didn't know what to do in this situation so was trying to make the best of its

I butt in. "I'm gonna shower, get ready and all. I've spent the day cleaning and being with Brian, so i haven't really had the chance. I'll be back out in a bit." I say. I try to notice Chris' face as i said 'being with Brian,' but i didn't want to make it too obvious. I liked this feeling, i liked the feeling of being the one bragging about having Brian.

"Okay bye, see you in a bit." Brian dismissed me. Before i completely leave the area, Brian pulls me by my arm and quickly kisses me. I feel blood rush to my cheeks. I smile shyly before running towards his bedroom, and the bathroom.

I was the lucky one then, wasn't i? I had Brian. I didn't know if i felt bad for Brian or if i think he got what he deserved.

Did he really deserve the worst? He was a lovely husband to Brian and treated him right for so long. He was being stand offish and rude to me right now but i understand that.

I guess my mission today was to become friends with him.

Okay maybe friends is too far.

My mission today is to become civil with Chris.

Ten years- sequel to 'otp' {trixya}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt