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katya n trixie will still be doing drag 10 years later. they won't be really old to stop doing it and it makes sense for me to write them still doing it8)

Trixie POV

"I can't believe you're still doing drag. You're like 60." My daughter, Jo says. "And I also can't believe that you aren't letting me have a party while your gone." She huffs, leaning on her hand as she watches me do my makeup.

We adopted Jo 8 years ago when she was 8. We met her and we all clicked straight away, as if we were an actual, real family. 8 years later and we really are. I have a family. It was weird how that she was 16 and understood everything about the world and what i did.

"Ah!" I gasp, "I'm not even 40 yet so don't start with me honey."

"Oh honey." she mutters under her breath.

"And dad really has to go with you? A whole night you're leaving me alone for." She frowns. I look at her once i places my lashes on. "Sorry honey. We'll be back before you wake up tomorrow morning."

"Is Uncle Brian going to be there?" She sings.

Oh here we go.

I roll my eyes and look in the mirror, fixing my wig and checking if i looked amazing. I did. "Yes, why?"

"Because you two are in loooove." She raises her eyebrows and talks smugly.

I hit her hand. "Don't say stupid things." I taunt and tut. "I'm with your dad as-well. You're actually the only person to ship one of your parents with someone else." Yes, i said ship. I'm famous, i know these things.

"Hey! I ship you and dad just fine. But Uncle Brian, woweee there was something there. I watched all your youtube videos and stuff. Be honest, were you with him when you were filming UNHhhh and stuff?"

"No, actually. I've never been with him. We kissed, for real, like once. But that was it."

"I'm just kidding, by the way. I love that you and dad love each other and are going to stay together forever."

I smile and get up from my chair. I kiss Jo's forehead.

"Let's go get Chris and we'll tell you what's happening tonight, yeah?"

She nods and we walk into the living room.

"Yes, Tracy has arrived. Brian had started getting kinda boring." Chris winks, as Jo and i walk down the stairs.

"Fuck you." I mumble loudly enough for him to hear me. He chuckles and kisses me when i get to him. "I'm just kidding."

"So, Jo. There's money on the table for a pizza but you can make something if you want; we have pasta i think. You can invite someone over to sleep over but no boys, or girls really, well no one you're attracted to or will have sex with. But no ones judging you, okay, you can love whoever you want to." I talk to her as if she's a child and i hate that i do that. I just can't help it.

"Dad, I-"

"-I'm sorry. You can invite anyone over. But no party. Just 1 or 2 friends will do." I say.

She nods. "Now, will you guys go? The show starts at 7." She leads us to the front door.

"And if you need anything-" Chris starts.

"Call you," she finishes "i know."

I smile. Okay see you tomorrow. First thing, i promise. Chris and I hug her and she closes the door on us quickly. "She's having a party." Chris sighs as we stand just outside our door. "Hmm. I know."

We laugh and shake our heads, making our way to the car out front.

We were on our way to the venue. It was farther away than we thought. It was weird that i was making my way there, normally my manager would be with me or i was with anyone queen. Today Chris was taking me and this may have been the first time he's driven me to an event in 10 years.

"Hey?" He says, looking in the road still. I turn to face him, he was concentrating on the road and his jaw was tense. He had shaved his beard a few days ago so it wasn't as long as it normally is but he still looked great.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Brian... he'll be there, right?" He says casually. I know he was concerned; everyone always is. They're always so worried about what's going to happen. I understand, but i hate it.

"Yes, Katya will be there." I huff. I look down at my nails. I didn't have any on. "You don't need to worry anymore Chris. Its been 10 years. I've made promises to you, you need to trust me. Plus, Brian's around me, us, all the time! Christmas, Thanksgiving, he sleeps over all the time. He's my bestie. He'll always be my bestie." I say with a smile near the end.

"I know. It's just... it still makes me feel weird. He's still Brian, and you're still Brian. Even worse still, you're still Trixie and he's still Katya." He mumbles, stopping the car in some special parking place behind the club.

"Trixie and Katya." I say with a small smile, "We are. But i'm married to you, Chris. I love you. And i'd also kiss you if there wasn't the risk of smudging my red lips."

He holds my hands as we make our way to the back entrance and in. I look at my phone and notice we're actually 24 minutes early. Hm, Jo.

I look around the dressing room trying to find Katya, of course. Besties, remember?

"Trixie!" I hear a voice that's been drilled into my brain. A voice that i really did love. I smile to myself before turning around to face her.

"Katya." I say, turning around. I hug her. "I missed you." i whisper as i breathe her in. We let go. "What's it been? 2 weeks? 3?" I chuckle.

"I don't care, it's just been too long for us. I've had Trixie withdrawal." She says.

"I've missed my daily dose of crazy." I say.

"So..." She looks around, "Chris here?" She asks, biting her lip. My heart starts to beat fast.

I grab hold of her wrist lightly and lean forward. "Brian," i whisper, using Brian's name really caught his attention, "We can't. It was... wrong."

"Which time?" He pulls away from me. "It's been 3, maybe 4 times only in the past year. You can't forbid me from expecting it again." She hisses, looking around in case someone comes.

"Brian- I...I don't know what to say really." I shake my head, "i hate myself after. All the time."

"You can't blame me. You started it, every single time. You know I fucking love you and i'd hate to think you're just using me because you're bored of your marriage." He says this quietly, and i didn't know if it was because he didn't want anyone to hear or because he was ashamed. My heart hurts at the sound of this.

"Brian! No-I-" I really didn't know what to say. "We're not gonna do this here, okay? Chris is here. Somewhere, anyways. We'll eat later and talk. I promise you we'll talk."

"You cheat on him, Brian. I hate that it's with me and i hate that i love you." He swirls his finger around a lock of my hair.

I don't say anything.

"Well, we're both on now." She says as the names 'Trixie and Katya' are bellowed through the speakers.

We walk out onto the stage.

'You cheat on him.'

Ten years- sequel to 'otp' {trixya}Where stories live. Discover now