I know there are tons of a/n's

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Yes as the title says there's are a lot of a/n's
I just want to let you shanks know that I'm not completely gone
I'm just, like I've stated before, really busy and school is just really stressful
Not to mention family problems as well
I can just never find time to sit and write on Wattpad as much as I could before (before life and high school hit me that is.)

I will never lose hope on this book, no matter how long it takes to write 😂
And I'm really really excited for the next movie to come out!
I can't wait to see tdc (The Death Cure).
So yeah, that's all I wanted to say.
Thank you to everyone who has read and enjoyed this book. Thank you to everyone who has voted and added this book to their libraries. Thank you to everyone who has gone out of their way to comment,no matter what type of comment it is. Thank you to each and every last one of you shanks, I love you guys <3

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