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Thomas's P.O.V for the whole story, a little steamy, and it's 1841 words in all

I never had feelings so strong before. Is it even normal for a guy to be in love...with another guy. I know that I'm a guy and I have guy tendencies but...I'm in love, in love with this sassy(and sexy)Asian named Minho. Yup im gay...anyway, I actually remember the day I confessed to him, like it was just yesterday...

•Yesterday lol, good job Thomas•

I just came back from running my section of the maze and was on my way to the mapping hut.
"Oi Tommy" I heard Newt call my name. I instantly turned around and saw Newt but also a certain someone next to him. Oh My God, Minho is here, be cool Thomas, be cool...
"Uhm h-hey Minho, Newt..." I quickly stuttered. Yeah that was really cool.

"Got some news for ya Tommy," Newt exclaimed."Some buggin weird stuff is happening in the maze so you'll be running with this shank for a while" he stated looking from Minho to me.
"Oh, really" I replied trying to suppress my happiness
"Yup, you'll be with me" Minho replied patting my back with his well known devious yet sexy smirk of his. With just his simple touch goose bumps began to rise.

"Well I'll catch you shanks later" Minho piped up, jogging away. I turned and watched him leave. Man, does he have a cute butt or what.
"I think your the only one who thinks that" Newt snickered. Oh man did I say that out loud.
"Yes, yes you did" Newt laughed. "Tommy, when are you gonna tell him?" he asked in a more serious tone.
"I don't know Newt, it's not normal..."
"That's real klunk Tom" Newt quickly responded. "You seriously didn't think that guys, who have spent their whole life here, wouldn't develop feelings for the other guys"
"Well when you say it like that..." I trailed off
"Oh and Teresa doesn't count since she came later and is...weird" Newt added in while smiling.
Maybe Newt has a point...well yeah Teresa being weird and all, but MAYBE he has a point....

"Anyway I gotta go map my section before I forget" I chuckled giving Newt a wave before walking towards the mapping hut. Once I got there the door was already open. Hmm that's weird. I pushed open the door and my heart instantly started to beat faster and faster. There was Minho, shirtless, his body glistening in the light. Stay calm Thomas I told myself while taking a deep breath.

I knocked on the door before walking all the way in.
"Oh hey there Thomas" Minho greeted me
"H-hey Minho" I stuttered again. I'm sorry but how could you not stutter with this sexy thang in front of you.(yes, he said thang 😂)
"Are you ok, you seem...flustered?" Minho asked generally confused, raising one eyebrow up further than the other
"A lot has been on my mind" I rushed out. Thomas stop being nervous or he'll know somethings up I ordered myself. I took a deep breath and sat down at one of the tables. I pulled out a pencil, a piece of paper, and started to map out my part of the maze I ran today.

I was doing great until I felt breathing down my neck. I tensed up and turned around to come face to face with Minho. Oh My Shucking Lord, we've never been this close I thought, my brain going into an unwanted frenzy. I'm pretty sure my face turned a little pink too.
"H-hey Minho, do you need something?" I asked biting my lip, more flustered then anything
"That curved line should be straight, unless you saw something different on your run today" he stated raising one of his eyebrows
"Oh no, it was the same as always"
"Then you should fix that" he ended.

With his statement said, I turned back around in my chair and thought Minho would just go on with his day...I was wrong, big time. You see, from the position I was in, anyone could sling their arms around you, and Minho did just that. He embraced me, well more like trapped me, in his arms letting his hands fall over mine. He guided my hand over the curved line on paper and erased it with my hand. After it was completely gone he used my hand again to draw a straight line over the previous one.

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