Chapter 72: Nia's Prophesied Death

Start from the beginning

"Curly Brow's in danger, Sakura... I just know it! I can feel it in my heart, ya know!"

"Naruto, I'm sure she can protect herself, can't she?"

"No!" The blond replied with anxiousness in his tone, "I don't know what it is, but lately she's been acting really fatigued and drained of energy. When we train together, she tires out faster than usual and just can't keep up, ya know? She's extremely vulnerable right now! I have to protect her!"

"Is she sick?"

"I... I think she could've ate or drinked something that was contaminated. I don't know! I do remember her complaining about how her water tasted weird."

As the two made their way through the dark forest, something else had happened as well. In the village, many laid dead on the ground while only one was left to be in the clutches of the enemy.

"You should feel honored to die... for you are helping me get one step closer into setting my plan for this dark world into motion." The masked individual the great toad sage mentioned, said to Nia as he held her by the throat, "You were able to escape last time thanks to the last guardian the Akatsuki had managed to kill, but this time... no one's here to hide you away, little girl."

The kunoichi was shakily gripping onto her attacker's wrist as blood poured out of her mouth and down her chin. She was weakened and beaten badly. Something had prevented her from defending herself like she used to and because of it, she paid the ultimate price.

She coughed out blood that had then splattered onto the man's mask. His hand was pierced through the girl's body as her blood dripped from off of it and onto the ground below.

"Though I'm not quite sure why you couldn't put up much of a fight, I do thank you for being so easy to get rid of. All that's left now is to head over to the Leaf and kill the two remaining guardians over there then after that... Sasuke Uchiha. And once all you guardians are no more, I can finally go and capture the nine-tails."

With that said, the man pulled his hand out of the girl while she screamed in pain as blood began to pour out of the hole made in her body. He then released her throat from his grip and watched as she slowly fell onto her back. However when this happened, he began to get reminded of what he had once seen in his earlier years.

 However when this happened, he began to get reminded of what he had once seen in his earlier years

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His eyes narrowed as the memory came back to haunt him. His victim was going to die in almost the same way his beloved did. However, he had been secretly watching Nia prior to this whole thing. Watching the connection she had to the jinchuuriki of the Nine-Tails.

He observed as she formed a bond with him. Watched as she supported him much like his love once did to him. Watching as she was becoming important to the blond like his lost one had become to him. Her caring nature towards Naruto had reminded him too greatly of his beloved's caring nature towards himself.

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