Letter 98

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Dear Yoongi,

This one, actually isn't going to be for you.

This one, is for whoever happens to stumble upon it.

Basically, more than half of me is gone. Ever since I lost my boyfriend, life has been meaningless.

I don't see a reason to fight to live in a world where I will only end up finding nothing. I will find nothing because my everything is millions of miles away.

So this is where it will end.

Namjoon, thank you for always being there for me. I am thankful for everything you have ever done for me. We have literally been through life together and you are the best friend that I could ever ask for.

Jin, you are practically my mom and you have 'raised' me to be the best man that I could be. Without you, much like Namjoon, you were there for me when it came to my crush on Yoongi. Thank you for getting me to talk to him. I'm sorry our journey had to end this way.

By the way, Namjoon and Jin, you guys better get married at some point or else I will actually be offended.

Taehyung, we were never that close but even then you have been such a good friend to me. I wish the best for you and Jimin. Also, take care of the boys for me.

Hoseok, not gonna lie, I hated you at first. I hated that you liked Yoongi. I hated that you kissed him. Overall, I hated that you were so confident around him. But over time, we have become really close and I am so glad you moved here. Keep on spreading your love and hope to the whole world, it needs it.

Jimin, I have had so many mixed feelings about you right now. At first, I was glad you kept Yoongi company, and then I was mad because you left him. Then we got along and became friends. Then I hated you for a little while when I found out you knew what Yoongi was going to do. I'm still mad about it. But, I'm also glad that you were there with me when I needed someone. I'm sorry that I have been rude to you and have constantly pushed you away. I'm sorry that you have gone through so much pain in the past couple months. I'm sorry for constantly finding something to be mad at you for. I hope you will be okay after I am gone. I know you will be though. Because you're stronger than me. Stay safe, and don't forget to smile.

Also, I wish the best for you and Taehyung.

Finally, Yoongi.

I want your letter to be seperate than the ones for the boys. So there will be one final letter just for you.

As for this one, I have one last thing to say.

I love all of you. I truly do.

No matter how much I got mad at you guys and no matter how much I tried to push you all away, every single one of you stayed by my side and I couldn't be anymore thankful.

I hope all of you have a good life and find love but please,

Don't forget about Yoongi and I. We might not be here for you guys in person anymore but, him and I will be together and will take care of each other until you guys are ready to come see us again. Which better not be for a fucking long ass time.


I guess this is it.

It has been fun.

We should do this again sometime. X


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