Letter 97

167 3 0

Dear Yoongi,

Today has been by far, the worst day without you.

Well I guess people would consider it as my last official day with you.

It was the day of your funeral.

I wanted to stay for the whole thing, I did. But as soon as they started to talk about all your achievements and how good of a life you had even with your battle with cancer, I couldn't take it.

I had gotten up and left the building.

Jimin had followed me.

Once we were outside I tore my suit jacket off. He had taken it out of my hands and stood by me, silently.

"Jungkook, are you okay?"

I glared over at him as as I felt tears rolling down my face.

"Are you actually fucking serious?"

He looked at me sadly.

"I have to sit and listen to a god damn speech about the love of my life and how great his life was! He was in pain practically the whole time he was alive! He never got to feel what real love was until I showed up and even then there were times I had pushed him away! I don't want to do this anymore Jimin! I don't want to sit and listen to pity speeches about him! I just want to be with him." I brought my hands up to cover my face. Jimin came over and wrapped his arms tightly around me.

Maybe life without you just isn't worth it.

You were my reason to laugh and smile, you gave me a reason to strive for my dreams. But, without you, what do I have left?

Heartache and pain.

Those two things don't exactly make me want to live.


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