Letter 57

169 7 0

Dear Yoongi,

School was great today.

Mhm great.

We didn't skip any classes at all.

Nor did we leave the building to go get ice cream. (Strawberry ice cream is better than vanilla)


Not at all.

Nor did we go to a convenience store and buy condoms and lube. The lady at the desk looked at us happily though so I mean, at least she isn't against us being gay.

We talked about it and we weren't actually going to use them just yet. We were going to wait until both of us felt comfortable and were ready for jt.

After that we went back to my house and to my room. We changed into comfortable clothes and laid down in my bed together. I had wrapped my arms around you while you dug your face into my chest.

Okay but, do you think it is weird that I am literally still writing these? Like, we are over halfway to a hundred. Maybe I should let you read these. I feel like you would like to read them but would also tell me to throw them away since you will most likely be afraid of someone finding and reading them.

Maybe I'll let you read these soon.


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