Letter 36

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Dear Yoongi,

It was almost midnight when I heard a knock at my front door. I got really worried and snuck around the house like a crazy ninja to see who was at the door. But, since it was so dark out I couldn't make out who it was.

With my luck it would be a crazy axe murderer.

At least, until my phone had buzzed and I got a text from you telling me to open my door.

I never opened the door up for someone so fast in my life.

And there you stood.

With all your glory and beauty.

Your hair had the same blond color and your face was still its beautiful pale color, though your cheeks were more sunkin in than I remember. You were wearing a big oversized hoodie that made you look absolutely adorable.

You had cut of my thoughts by stepping up to me and wrapping your arms around my waist. I wrapped mine around your shoulders and pulled you into the house just far enough that I would be able to shut the door behind you.

"Hyung, where have you been?" I had asked but you only pulled away and yawned. You started muttering incoherent words while rubbing at your eyes. I smiled at how cute you looked and scooped you up into my arms.

I carried you to my room and gently laid you on my bed. I was about to leave the room so that I could get the air mattress for me but you only grabbed my hand and pulled me back onto the bed. You laid down and buried your face in my pillow before turning to look up at me.

"Jungkook, we both know that it is a waste of time for you to go get the mattress since we will just end up both being in it or in your bed." I giggled at your words since I knew you were right.

"So you don't mind sleeping with me then?" I had asked you quietly. You only scooted over and dug your head into my side. I flung my arm over top of you and kissed your head.

"Goodnight, Yoongi." I muttered, thinking you was asleep.

"Goodnight, Kookie." You had whispered back almost too quietly for me to hear.

It is moments like that when I have to remind myself that we aren't actually dating.

It honestly hurts.

A lot.

Knowing that literally anyone could just swoop down and steal you away.

I can't let that happen though.


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