Letter 58

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Dear Yoongi,

At school today we sat at our normal lunch table with all our friends around us. They asked where we were yesterday and both of us let out fits of laughs.

They kept accusing of of running away from school to have sex. They started making bets on who tops(me) and who bottoms(you). Next they started talking about possible kinks we might have.

I absolutely love our friends. Both of us even joined in on their conversation when they got to the kink part and then we somehow went around and we all named some that we have.

But we literally just went out for ice cream and then slept the rest of the day.

After the bell rang you kept me back. I of course stayed and waited to see what you wanted. After the room had cleared you surprised me yet again.

"Jungkookie, I think I am ready now." I had stood and looked at you for a while. You finally sighed and stepped closer to me.

"I am ready for sex. So, whenever you want to do it, we can." Then you turned away and ran. I chuckled at your actions.

If only they knew we were actually going to do it.


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