Letter 63

178 6 0

Dear Yoongi,

The next day we had woken up tangled together. My head was on top of yours as yours was in my chest. Our arms were wrapped around each other, as were our legs.

I wish we would be able to wake up like that every day. It was so comforting to be able to wake up and already have you with me.

I did roll out of bed to rush to the bathroom really quick. When I came back you were sat up holding your stomach. I ran to your side and put my hand over yours.

"What's wrong?" You shook your head and applied pressure to your stomach.

"It hurts." I moved my arm around you and held you to me.

"I wish I could make it stop for you."

"I wish I could give you a normal relationship." I pulled away and looked at your face. You were avoiding my gaze so I gently grabbed your chin and forced you to face me.

"If I could have anyone in the world, I'd go for you. For all that you are and all that you can give, it is far more than enough for me." You smiled and leaned up to peck me softly. I watched as you stood up from my bed, naked and still holding your stomach, to stumble your way to the bathroom.

I knew that you bruise easily so I only nipped at your skin once. It left the faintest purple color and was most definitely easy to mistake it as just another bruise rather than a hickey.

When you came back into my room you were no longer holding your stomach but looked like you were still in pain. You carefully made your way over to me but weren't paying attention as you hit your knee off of my dresser. You brought it up to your chest to hug it while I sprung over to you. I lifted you off the floor and carried you back to my bed to lay you down.

When I looked at your knee it was already bruised. I had sighed and started leaving kisses over all the bruises you had. When you realized what I was doing you wiggled your way down to me and grabbed the sides of my face. You pulled my lips up to yours.

I swear I am never going to get over the feeling of kissing you. It is like pure bliss mixed with a touch of fire.

When we pulled away you told me you loved me. I said it back and kissed you again.

The rest of the day we stayed at my house and found,


to keep ourselves occupied.

I'm happy you were my first, Yoongs.

I am never going to be able to get enough of you.


A Love Letter ⭐Yoonkook⭐Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora