Letter 40

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Dear Yoongi,

Once visiting hours were done last night all I could do was go home and cry. You had told me the reason you moved schools was because you needed to come here to see a better doctor.

The bruises were from the cancer.

Your dark circles are from long nights with no sleep because you are afraid that one of these days you will fall asleep and never wake back up.

When you do wake up, you scream sometimes because you had a dream about you dying.

You don't want to leave.

You don't want to die.

You don't want to have leukemia.

You said you only wanted me.

Now, my wish is to be able to take your cancer out of you and throw it away. But even if I could do that I wouldn't be able to. If I took your cancer out of you, there would be less than half of you left.


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